It's been a while since the last update, and unfortunately I'm having my busiest schedule ever, so it's complicated for me to find time to develop the long promised ExplodeAny 2.0. But it's still on track!
Some of you have pinged me on Discord because you couldn't understand how to properly configure the plugin. I've written a small crash course on configuring ExplodeAny. I really hope it will help you! However, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Discord! I'll be willing to help you guys. You can find the tutorial
- Added a tutorial!: a new file named will be saved along the plugin resources in the plugin folder. It is a small crash course a wrote for some of you that reached out to me, so I really hope it can clarify (even a little) how to configure the plugin. I'm sorry for all the problems you might have experienced, I'm aware of it, but unfortunately I haven't had time to work on a graphical configuration editor. I really hope to release 2.0 somewhere this summer
- Added debug mode: to enhance compatibility with Forge/Fabric/other modloaders, and to improve the overall experience using CustomEntity section, there's a new debug mode that will print out to the console every explosion that ExplodeAny is able to detect. If you're lucky and the mod you're using adds an entity that ExplodeAny can print while in debug mode, that means you can freely use it in the CustomEntity section! Read the last section of the tutorial if you need more instructions on this.
- Added support for vanilla exploding blocks: beds (Bukkit 1.8.3 and greater) and respawn anchors (1.16.1 and greater) are now available inside VanillaEntities! You can use BED and RESPAWN_ANCHOR.
Server support
- Bukkit-based server 1.7 - 1.20.6 (Bukkit, Spigot, Paper...) [Download]
- Folia-based server 1.19 - 1.20.6 [Download]