Hi guys! This is a "big" update, so please report any bug/issue you may find. Also, don't hesitate to come up with new ideas! I'll be happy to hear them.
Added support for custom entities that are not handled by other configurations.
A new section has been added (`CustomEntity`), which supports any custom entity that causes an explosion that is not contained in VanillaEntity. This is the case, for example, for MrCrayfish's Gun Mod, which adds some custom entities. Since ExplodeAny can't know anything about this entities, it's mandatory to specify a new entity property, `ExplosionRadius`, in all these entities.
Added new entity properties:
`ExplosionRadius`: Allows to set the explosion radius
`ExplosionFactor`: Allows to set a multiplier for the explosion radius
`ReplaceOriginalExplosion`: Allows to replace the original explosion, thus using the custom radius for a new custom explosion
Removed material property `ExplosionRadiusFactor` in favor of entity's `ExplosionRadius` and `ExplosionFactor`.
Added new commands:
`/explodeany configuration show`, which allows to show both entity and material configurations for all sections. Required permission: `explodeany.configuration.show`.
`/explodeany checktool toggle [player]`, which allows to toggle other players' checktool. Required permission: `explodeany.checktool.toggle.others`. (Note that this permission is NOT contained in `explodeany.checktool.toggle`, so it is not applied by default for players that can toggle their own checktool)
`/explodeany checktool info`, which allows to show information about the current checktool. Required permission: `explodeany.checktool.info`
Improved autocompletion: all commands have autocompletion now, even for parameters. Only commands that a given user has permission to use will show up as suggestions.
Improved localization: added new variables for messages and improved default messages.
Improved sample configuration & documentation.
Minor performance improvements
Server support
Bukkit-based server 1.7 - 1.20 (Bukkit, Spigot, Paper...)