✨ SuperMobCoin - Ultimate Mob Coin System for Minecraft ✨
Welcome to
SuperMobCoin, the most feature-packed and flexible mob coin plugin for Minecraft! Boost your gameplay by earning coins from mobs, completing quests, and shopping in dynamic stores. With customizable features and a user-friendly GUI,
SuperMobCoin is perfect for any server.
Earn Coins: Kill mobs to earn coins with customizable drop rates.
Jackpots: Big rewards for defeating bosses like Withers or Ender Dragons.
Daily Quests: Engage players with diverse daily challenges.
️ Shop System: Includes a standard shop and a rotating shop with dynamic items.
Leaderboard GUI: Showcase top players for coins and kills.
Boosters: Temporary multipliers for earning coins.
️ Admin Tools: Fully configurable with commands for managing coins and boosters.
Custom Animations: Particle effects and sounds for a premium experience.
Screenshots Commands & Permissions
/mobcoinshop - Opens the SuperMobCoin shop. /mobcoin - Opens the main SuperMobCoin menu. /mobcoinstats - Displays your current coins and kill statistics. /mobcointop - Displays the leaderboard of players by coins or kills. /mobcointopgui - Opens the GUI leaderboard for coins and kills. /paycoin <player> <amount> - Transfers coins to another player. /rotatingshop - Opens the rotating shop with dynamic items. /mobcoinquest - Opens the GUI for daily quests.
Admin Commands: /mobcoingive <player> <amount> - Adds coins to a player's balance. /reloadsupermobcoin - Reloads the plugin configuration. /givebooster <player> <booster_type> - Grants a coin booster to a player.
List of Placeholders for SuperMobCoin Plugin Here’s the full list of placeholders that you can use with PlaceholderAPI when integrating the SuperMobCoin plugin into your Minecraft server.
SuperMobCoin Placeholders
Player-Specific Placeholders
%supermobcoin_coins% - Displays the player's current coin balance. Example: 1500
%supermobcoin_kills% - Displays the player's total kills. Example: 35
Rotating Shop Placeholders
%supermobcoin_time_until_rotation% - Shows the remaining time until the rotating shop refreshes. Example: 10:45 (MM:SS)
Leaderboard Placeholders
Top Coins Leaderboard
%supermobcoin_top_coins_1% - Displays the player ranked #1 in coins. Example: Player123
%supermobcoin_top_coins_2% - Displays the player ranked #2 in coins. Example: Player456
%supermobcoin_top_coins_3% - Displays the player ranked #3 in coins. Example: Player789
%supermobcoin_top_coins_4% - Displays the player ranked #4 in coins. Example: Player101
%supermobcoin_top_coins_5% - Displays the player ranked #5 in coins. Example: Player202
%supermobcoin_top_coins_6% - Displays the player ranked #6 in coins. Example: Player303
%supermobcoin_top_coins_7% - Displays the player ranked #7 in coins. Example: Player404
%supermobcoin_top_coins_8% - Displays the player ranked #8 in coins. Example: Player505
%supermobcoin_top_coins_9% - Displays the player ranked #9 in coins. Example: Player606
%supermobcoin_top_coins_10% - Displays the player ranked #10 in coins. Example: Player707
Top Kills Leaderboard
%supermobcoin_top_kills_1% - Displays the player ranked #1 in kills. Example: Player123
%supermobcoin_top_kills_2% - Displays the player ranked #2 in kills. Example: Player456
%supermobcoin_top_kills_3% - Displays the player ranked #3 in kills. Example: Player789
%supermobcoin_top_kills_4% - Displays the player ranked #4 in kills. Example: Player101
%supermobcoin_top_kills_5% - Displays the player ranked #5 in kills. Example: Player202
%supermobcoin_top_kills_6% - Displays the player ranked #6 in kills. Example: Player303
%supermobcoin_top_kills_7% - Displays the player ranked #7 in kills. Example: Player404
%supermobcoin_top_kills_8% - Displays the player ranked #8 in kills. Example: Player505
%supermobcoin_top_kills_9% - Displays the player ranked #9 in kills. Example: Player606
%supermobcoin_top_kills_10% - Displays the player ranked #10 in kills. Example: Player707