⚡ AUCTIONMASTER ⚡ [1.8-1.18x] | MySQL & SQLite - Auctions - Categories - BIN - Fully Configurable icon

⚡ AUCTIONMASTER ⚡ [1.8-1.18x] | MySQL & SQLite - Auctions - Categories - BIN - Fully Configurable -----

The best, free & advanced auction plugin made by qKing12#1918 & continued by SedatTR#8666!

Version: 4.1
plugin seems abandoned ----------------------------------------------------------------

Version: 4.1
please update! 1.20.1+

Plugin works great just needs tto be updated...

Highly recommend!!!!

Version: 4.1
Can you add support for 1.20.2? Communty version 4.8.0 version is broken........

Version: 4.1
the best and only good gui action plugin with bidding system out there...
still working flawlessly on 1.20.1 using latest Rudde's fork btw

Version: 4.1
worst support I've ever seen in my life. 5 and more days of waiting in opened ticket and still no help And abt the plugin...not that bad but not excellent

Version: 4.1
Great Plugin! It has a nice gui and a lot of features which other plugins do not provide. it would be good if admins could send deliveries to all players online.

Version: 4.1
Plugin has a major dupe bug. I tried telling the dev a week ago and no reply so unless you want your server to turn to anarchy. Do not use.

Version: 4.1
Por favor atualize para 1.19 esse plugin é incrível!
Mas infelizmente não consigo rodar nas versões mais recentes!

Version: 4.1
Support is terrible even if u a buyer, many bugs in the config not optimized for bedrock user

Version: 4.1
Установлен database.mysql.user = "root"
Выдает ошибку MySQL:
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'minecraft'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Version: 4.1
Pls Update To 1.19 i love this plugin
And pls optimise for geyser mc cus some time we Face Same Small Glitches/ Bugs tnku

Version: 4.1

Version: 4.1
The best auction plugin has incredible optimization and a beautiful interface :)

Version: 4.1
why display-seller-name have my prefix rank MEMBERkhacctin not only khacctin? Please help me...

Version: 4.1
Nice Plugin!!!
It works great keep it up!!!!


Version: 4.1
Hypixel Skyblock aution be like:.

Btw, i love this plugin, you are the best! <3

Version: 4.1
Sadly now broken plugin 1.17 paper

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "me.qKing12.AuctionMaster.AuctionObjects.Bids.getNumberOfBids()" because the return value of "me.qKing12.AuctionMaster.AuctionObjects.Auction.getBids()" is null
[21:40:13 WARN]: [AuctionMaster] Plugin AuctionMaster v4.1 generated an exception while executing task 3098(B
at me.qKing12.AuctionMaster.Menus.MainAuctionMenu.lambda$new$1(MainAuctionMenu.java:68) ~[AuctionMaster-4.1.jar:?]
at me.qKing12.AuctionMaster.AuctionObjects.AuctionsHandler.totalBidsOnOwnAuctions(AuctionsHandler.java:120) ~[AuctionMaster-4.1.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-409]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:57) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-409]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136) ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.run(ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.java:22) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-409]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635) ~[?:?]
[21:43:15 INFO]: moonstah issued server command: /ahadmin
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/craftbukkit/libs/it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList

Version: 4.1
This plugin is very good and suitable for survival or skyblock and others
I am very satisfied with this plugin

Version: 4.1
A very good and simple plugin but not made to be simple! And by the way, I want to hang it's Chinese simplified version on my forum, but I will still hang the original download url as well.

Version: 4.1
Probably the worst plugin i have ever seen. its so unbelievably buggy, literally everything is a bug. the auctions never save, there would be no auctions at one time and then 2 minutes later it would display auctions that expired months ago (why is it even keeping that info?). you create an auction and set it to expire in 1 day, and come back later and it would say that it expires in 2000 days. when browsing other players auctions, it displays the item and then underneath it displays the seller and other info. well sometimes some auctions wouldn't have that underneath them, so you couldn't see any info on the auction, only the item itself. because nothing ever saves, most of the time it allows you to buy the same item multiple times, duping items.

Version: 4.1
Plugin is really powerfull but the config is the most confusing thing i ever seen, was it so hard to put 1 file per menu instead of having parts split over a lot of files? Also i believe (correct me if wrong) its impossible to move categories from the left corner to the right, bc config only allow certain slots.

Version: 4.1
Pretty great plugin I must say, if you're using auctionhouse I'd suggest moving to this as this plugin just has a lot of features that might interest your players.

Version: 4.0
Its very good and simple plugin but can you add support for EcoEnchants plugin? Thank you!

Version: 4.0
Very Nice Dev and Support. I asked for mysql and he actually added it!! Amaing!!!

Version: 4.0
MySQL support!? Oh'ma gohd guys, I've waited eons for this :0

Thank you so so so much!!! :D

(I used to use the plugin, but I switched to a network, but now I can use it again!!!)

Version: 4.0
Fix pls is error appears when restarting the server and the auctions are not saved, version 1.18.1[14:22:22 INFO]: [AuctionMaster] Disabling AuctionMaster v4.0

[14:22:22 ERROR]: Error occurred while disabling AuctionMaster v4.0 (Is it up to date?)
org.bukkit.plugin.IllegalPluginAccessException: Plugin attempted to register task while disabled
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.validate(CraftScheduler.java:552) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(CraftScheduler.java:251) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously(CraftScheduler.java:247) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTaskLaterAsynchronously(CraftScheduler.java:192) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.runTaskAsynchronously(CraftScheduler.java:161) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at me.qKing12.AuctionMaster.database.SQLiteDatabase.registerPreviewItem(SQLiteDatabase.java:149) ~[AuctionMaster-4.0.jar:?]
at me.qKing12.AuctionMaster.AuctionMaster.onDisable(AuctionMaster.java:229) ~[AuctionMaster-4.0.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:266) ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.disablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:401) ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:537) ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:514) ~[purpur-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer.disablePlugins(CraftServer.java:498) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stopServer(MinecraftServer.java:1049) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.stopServer(DedicatedServer.java:839) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1342) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$1(MinecraftServer.java:322) ~[purpur-1.18.1.jar:git-Purpur-1508]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]

Version: 3.2
Very cool !

Version: 3.1
Waiting bugs/dupes to be fix. I cant really fix is as he decided to not publish the SRC.

Version: 3.1
This was a very good plugin. There are some bugs that I let the dev no about but they didnt really seem to care. If this gets updated to fix bug I will leave a better review

Version: 3.1
Duplication bug, the plugin author does not respond to mp and discord. Since SefatTR takes care of the plugin nothing is up to date

Version: 3.1
Hello sir, i have a big dupe bug with AuctionMaster 2, i'm using paper spigot 1.17.1 I made you a video to show you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzoZH2F5B_E&ab_channel=Run4Fight

Version: 3.1
wow, great

Version: 3.1
Hey, cool plugin but can you also a DiscordSRV intergration? For example each time someone puts an item for sale something like this shows up in one of the channels https://imgur.com/LNV5lTg

Version: 3.0
Plugin very good i joind the discord also. can any help me please when ever i try to create a costume ammont of money fo1 the ah it just doesnt work
help please
same goes for the search menu please help why doesnt it open the sign???

Version: 2.9
bid sign edit and search sign edit dont work dudes pls fix it - ım waiting yours news
Author's response
If you join to my Discord you would see why it is not working :/

Version: 2.7.5
Your plugin is fully functional. The plugin includes many very modern features and is easy to configure. I'm just a little sad that you don't support mysql

Version: 2.7.5
I like this plugin a lot my friend, but it would be amazing if you add a vinculation with an specific discord channel please hehehe, in that channel you would be able to see the notifications when someone put an item in auction

Version: 2.7.5
Best plugin but i cant use citizens in 1.16.4 or 1.16.5 please make it work with znpcs

Version: 2.7.5
best auction plugin, it have perfectly gui, no bugs, no lagging. I highly recommended this plugin

Version: 2.7.5
Very perfect plugin, that plugin works well, I hope it can support MySQL storage!

Version: 2.5
[09:25:03 WARN]: [AuctionMaster] Unable to decode class type. java.io.EOFException Help me this message appears every 10 minutes on the console
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^
"If you have any problem or suggestion, don't use reviews. Just contact to me via discussion, private messages or Discord."

Version: 2.5
I've been looking for a good auction plugin since last year. And I think I just found it: D. Friend can you add support for the ItemJoin plugin? - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/itemjoin.12661/
It's that I have custom items and I don't want auctions to support items from the ItemJoin plugin.
With the ItemJoin plugin, I have created armor and weapons. but I don't want players to sell it at auction.
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^ Just blacklist item in config.yml and it should work.

Version: 2.5
Awesome plugin, perfect copy of hypixel's auctions, works excellent. Also the developer is very helpful.
I likte it!!
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.5
Great Plugin, it works well and has a great GUI. The support team is very helpful and super fast. Would definitely recommend it!
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.5
perfect plugin, also the developer is friendly and helpful......................
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.5
The plugin is okay, worked fine for the server but I couldnt find what i wanted in the config to configure it. I asked for help and I didnt recieve support and others were ignored.
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^ Waiting, pinging me, or contacting to me from DM is NOT HARD I think? And if you don't use channels correctly, you will get ignored yes.

Version: 2.4
as i can see from gifs, videos and screenshots the plugin looks good but it didnt work for 1.16.5 .
can u please repair it?
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^ Plugin is working on 1.16.5 already, u don't setup plugin correctly.

Version: 2.3
the plugin is beautiful, just one question. When a user creates an auction they don't have an option to cancel or end that auction? For example, if you put an item up for auction by mistake, there is no way for it to cancel it?
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^ You can enable setting from config.

Version: 2.3
Hey, I installed the plugin and when i active the auction-npc-use it stop working, i wonder what happened
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^
"If you have any problem or suggestion, don't use reviews. Just contact to me via discussion, private messages or Discord."

Version: 2.3
Awesome plugin, perfect copy of hypixel's auctions, works excellent. Also the developer is very helpful.
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.3
Y'all lemme tell you, this plugin did a full 180. Not only is it fully functional now, it also seems to be quite efficiently programmed, causing less than 0.2 ticks to be dropped in our stresstest (30 players simultaneousely opening it and buying items from the plugin)

10/10, would reccomend :) By far the best auctionhouse I know of as of right now!
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.3
I am grateful that you decided to maintain this plugin. Other auction plugins are outdated and the original dev's situation is super difficult.

Again, I thank you for continuing this plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.3
The plugin is very modern, works flawlessly, updates are constantly brought in, and if the open source code is published, it will not be a bite. Congratulations!
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.3
could help me? whenever i open the plugin in 1.12.2 it crashes my server when i try to open an auction and i have already tested it on a server with just him could he help me? need a Plugin besides it?
Author's response
"If you have any problem or suggestion, don't use reviews. Just contact to me via discussion, private messages or Discord."

Version: 2.1
I loved this plugin, it has a style to hypixel skyblock, so I love it, as it is a similar experience. Keep it up!
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.1
Ahh I remember you! Do you remember me?

Thanks for taking this plugin (previous dev was really bad, not qking)
Author's response
I dont remember you :'( And thanks for your review!

Version: 2.0
Really great plugin, Developer really nice and supportive and bugs being fixed as soon as reported!
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^

Version: 2.0
Despite the dev transition, these developers definitely still have that flame needed to continue the plugins development. I have tested it out myself and actively use it, it is 100% configurable and I haven't found an issue yet. Ignore the previous reviews, as they were from the old developer. qKing and Sedat are great devs, and if you are on the fence, give this one a try. You won't be disappointed.
Author's response
Thanks for review ^^ Other reviews will get deleted I hope.

Terrible plugin
Owner rude
Doesn't support 1.8
Owner is Arrogant
Anyone who uses this plugin is brain dead asf
Author's response
The owner cant be rude since the Owner has been radio silent for two months

Good plugin but you shouldn't use until coin dupe glitch fixed... https://youtu.be/DDtCAJeS9UI

Hey your Plugin is geat but i have a problem with it:

If the server restarts or reloads the auction is completly empty! but inside the database file is all listet can you pls fix this?


Damn the author change ruined this plugin, i'm hoping the original author returns to fix this mess. Full of bugs and the developer is a awful human being.

New developer, new style. Looking forward to it :D

You should really make this open source on github. No point in having it closed.
Author's response
and why is that?

The support of this plugin is extremely great and the new dev is really kind in discord (maybe not in reviews)..... But I like your work and all of that. Thank you for supporting java 15

Plugin WAS great before the author change. After changes new authot made it contains more bugs than it had before.
Author's response
well, that usually happens when you improve and update...
soo please continue to throw on me 1 star please

Plugin (was) great. After recode, it is contains a lot of bug such as an easy dupe glitch, not working delivery system... Proof of dupe glitch: https://youtu.be/rGfUG3amBAc - If you want to use this plugin, you should wait for patch this dupe. Developer should hand it over this plugin to another developer if he is too busy because this plugin has great potential.

Everything about this is great but is it possible to remove the timer from BIn auctions and make BIn auctions Permanent until a player cancels or buys it?

I like the continued plugin very much.
When issuing an opinion to a plugin, it's not about how the author behaves, for example, on a discord.
But referring to this, in my opinion the author on the discord is helpful and quite active.

Author is actually a disgusting human being. Take a look at his responses to negetive reviews. He has no respect to users. He behaves the same on Discord, he argues with users and doesn't know when to drop petty arguments, and his obsession with techoblade makes him look like 13. Plugin is great and do be fooled by this ahole, this plugin was originally created by a qKing who is an amazing and loveable developer who had to drop the support due to IRL life problems. This ahole would never create a decent plugin like this.
Author's response
hooo thanks you soo sweet of you :) I have to say you touched my heart <3

Good plugin but buy it now listings are actually not buy it now. It has a timer that only goes up to a week. Author is super rude and cocky in review sections, discord and PMs. Too bad qKing had to drop the support because he had way more respect.

Please remove the timer from BIn auctions and make BIn auctions permament until a user cancels it or buys it.
Author's response
only because you give a request a 1 star I won't do it.... what am I working for you?

Love the support & developer, Great plugin overall and bugs being fixed really quick

does not make an effort to maintain this plugin I just leave it normal or a repair of gui anything ... I mean ...
Author's response
soo don't use the plugin... simple is that go use the rest of the very great great plugins out there and leave my happy users alone thanks you

Amazing plugin, better than the premium alternatives, I find it funny how a direct Premium competitor developer just rated it 1 star.
Author's response

Good than every auction house plugin. Actually, to be honest, current premium auction house plugins are too basic and they don't deserve premium tag. :( You should use AuctionMaster if you looking for an auction house plugin.

Still no respect of java conventions in the plugin. It is necessary to refactor the project to correct this.
Author's response
lol look dm

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32,990
First Release: Oct 14, 2020
Last Update: Jun 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
73 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings