Hi everyone!
After a decent wait, a new PhantomWorlds update has been shipped to you all, involving various improvements to the resource. A big thank-you to
madison-allen, PhantomWorlds' first contributor!
By the way - only 3 individuals have reviewed PhantomWorlds. I'd greatly appreciate if you posted your thoughts on the plugin in the reviews section.
I've tested most of this release so I'm quite certain it's stable.
Here's what changed:
- madison-allen very kindly programmed the `/pw spawn [player]` subcommand. This is almost a direct alias to `/pw teleport <world> [player]`, although it automatically fills in the world argument (which can only be specified in `/pw teleport`, not `/pw spawn`). This involved a big change to the `TeleportSubcommand` code.
- The messages for /pw spawn may or may not work without a config reset, I haven't tested this. Although what is for certain is that you must add the new messages to the messages.yml file if you want to customise them as well.
- To update your config, just add this 'spawn' section to messages.yml.
- Fixed an issue where colon characters ) could not be specified in `/pw create` values, kindly reported by Melodie. This means PW now works with Terra (which I highly suggest using too!)
- Fixed an issue where all values specified in `/pw create` were being converted into lowercase versions.
- Fixed an issue where `/pw setspawn` was rounding all specified coordinates to 2 decimal places - now it only rounds it for the message, not the actual coordinates, as originally intended.
- Updated to MicroLib 3, adjusting all necessary imports and so on.
And remember - if you have any questions, issues, suggestions or comments on PhantomWorlds, please let me know via the
ArcanePlugins Discord Server or you can alternatively
PM me on SpigotMC - the Discord Server is preferred.
Thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy this update.
~ lokka30