Welcome to BetterCommandSpy 2
After ~7.5 hours of total production, it is finally released!
Please read this entire update description BEFORE updating. Important things happened.
What's changed this update?
Everything. It's a completely new plugin now. Same features you loved before, and more. The code has been completely re-done from head to toe, with the highest of quality I can provide. It's very similar to BCS 1 on the surface, since I've aimed to keep it as similar and simple to use as BCS 1 was. Again, under the surface, the old code was deleted, and in came the new. See the
SpigotMC description page for BetterCommandSpy for a full feature list.
Warning: Config Files
When you install this update, your config files will be backed up as all config files have changed. This means, unless you manually migrate them, the following will happen:
- Your server will use the default settings and messages (settings.yml and messages.yml)
- The plugin will assume all staff members have CommandSpy enabled (data.yml)
- Your old config files will appear in a 'backups' directory within the 'BetterCommandSpy' directory.
Do not copy over your old file contents (except for portions of text in messages if you wish), as all of the files have been significantly modified, especially messages.yml.
Warning: New commands and Permissions
Please remove any existing permissions regarding BetterCommandSpy from your permissions groups, as new commands and permissions have been added.
And that's all I've got to say this update. I've tried to keep this as concise as I can, hopefully you got it all. If you are confused about anything please contact me on my
Discord server - just ping me in the help chat and let me know you are asking about BetterCommandSpy (since I have multiple other plugins). Alternatively, you can contact me by
sending me a private message, although I would much prefer you use the Discord.