This is an addon for my TAB plugin which extends its features when installed on bungeecord
Install this jar on all
backend servers where you want the additional features.
This is not a BungeeCord plugin!
The plugin supports all known minecraft versions and is very likely to support any future versions due to how simple it is and most of the functionality consists of hooking into other plugins.
Forwarding PlaceholderAPI support to the proxy
Allow detection if player is invisible to make nametag invisible (compensation for 1.8.x client sided bug)
Allow detection if player is disguised to disable collision to prevent endless push
Forwarding permission groups of players if no permission plugin is installed on bungeecord
Forward vanish status for compatibility with global playerlist / layout features
Forward player's world for %world% and per-world settings
Allow TAB's placeholderapi expansion with TAB on bungeecord
- Forward player's gamemode for spectator fix feature to work