Fix some Bugs and restructure the settings.yml - Update you old settings.yml !
Changelog beta v2.3
swap the deposit and withdraw animations for the pay command and improved them.
I realized, the /pay and the Bank deposit/withdraw needs theire "own" custom animations.
Please regenerate your settings.yml !!!
there was a problem on the checkNewPlayerName event, caused by not checking, if the player already exist in the database. This event fired 2 times.
some placeholder from messages.yml didnt worked, exclusive for the checkNewPlayerName event
improved some code and removed "notUsed" code
all sql tasks are now fully async for zero server laggs.
restructed the animation section in the settings.yml.
I advise you to regenerate the settings.ym
dropped support on 1.8 - 1.12.2 version. (because these versions are not nessesary since the 1.16 ) Maybe theire work by changing some Materials in the gui.yml
Code (YAML):
speed: 1
# 2 is max ! counts: 3
# Higher number = slower at the end count sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HAT
# use sounds specified on your Server Verion pitch: 1.6
volume: 1.0
finalFadeIn: 15
finalStay: 35
finalFadeOut: 15
# use sounds specified on your Server Verion finalPitch: 1.6
finalVolume: 1.0
enable: true
titleUp: '&aGet Money'
titleLower: '&7+ &a
#deposit-amount# &7#currency#' finalTitleUp: '&7You got'
finalTitleLower: '&9
#deposit-amount# &7#currency# from &9#sender#' withdrawPlayer:
enable: true
titleUp: '&cRemove Money'
titleLower: '&7- &c
#withdraw-amount# &7#currency#' finalTitleUp: '&7You sended'
finalTitleLower: '&9
#withdraw-amount# &7#currency# to &9#target#' depositToBank:
enable: true
titleUp: '&cDeposit &7to Bank'
titleLower: '&7- &c
#deposit-amount# &7#currency#' finalTitleUp: '&7You deposited'
finalTitleLower: '&9
#deposit-amount# &7#currency# to your Bank Account' withdrawToBank:
enable: true
titleUp: '&aWithdraw &7from Bank'
titleLower: '&7+ &a
#withdraw-amount# &7#currency#' finalTitleUp: '&7You withdrawed'
finalTitleLower: '&9
#withdraw-amount# &7#currency# from your Bank Account'