HuskHomes [1.17-1.21] | Set Homes | Warps | Spawn | Tp and Tpa | Public Homes | Works Cross-Server icon

HuskHomes [1.17-1.21] | Set Homes | Warps | Spawn | Tp and Tpa | Public Homes | Works Cross-Server -----

The powerful and intuitive set homes, warps, and teleports plugin

HuskHomes 2.10 - Multiple tp requests & name auto completion
HuskHomes 2.10 adds a number of long standing small feature requests, such as the ability to handle multiple requests from players as well as automatic name completion. It also ensures compatibility with the upcoming Minecraft 1.18 update.
  • Added player name auto completion, which can be turned off in config.yml (e.g typing /tpa William will autocomplete to William278 if "William278" is online but "William" is not.) (#105)
  • You can now receive multiple teleport requests at once and accept and deny them individually (/tpaccept ; /tpdeny ). (#74)
    • The [Accept] and [Deny] buttons will correctly accept or deny the request for that player.
    • Players can no longer spam send tp requests to a user, only once the last request has expired will their request go through again.
  • You can now specify where the teleport warmup countdown message will be displayed; ACTION_BAR, TITLE, SUBTITLE or CHAT through a new option in config.yml (#48)
  • Fixed an issue that meant the sound effect for teleporting would get sometimes cut off (#107)
  • Added the ability to limit the maximum number of public homes a player may set through the huskhomes.max_public_homes.<number> permission node. (#91)
  • Added the ability to have limit-based permission nodes stack (the limit is the sum of the player's limit permission) rather than just take the highest one. (#108)
  • Fixed an issue with the Pl3xMap integration that meant multiversed worlds that initialised after world startup wouldn't be able to display HuskHomes markers (#110)
  • Updated the Jedis (Redis API) dependency (#98)
  • API: Added PlayerPreTeleportEvent which fires before a player teleports and is cancellable
To update, regenerate your messages file or replace the teleport_request_options locale with the latest one from here. The update should also automatically add two new items to your config.yml file as well.
----------, Nov 24, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 62,578
First Release: Sep 11, 2020
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
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All-Time Rating:
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