HuskHomes 2.4.1 adds a
huskhomes.warp.* option for permission-restricted warps and the option to hide restricted warps in the /warplist, as well as expanding the developer API to allow for other plugins to teleport players.
- Add a warp permission override (huskhome.warp.*) for servers using permission-restricted warps. (#30)
- Lets you access all warps, even if you don't have specific nodes on servers with permission restricted warps enabled.
- Added an option (true by default) to hide permission restricted warps in the /warplist page. (#27)
- Added two new API options to allow plugins to queue teleports:
- HuskHomesAPI#teleportPlayer(Player, TeleportationPoint, doTeleportationWarmup)
- HuskHomesAPI#teleportPlayer(Player, targetPlayerName, doTeleportationWarmup)
This should be a
drag+drop replacement for the previous version of HuskHomes. Thank you as always!