GiveAll is a plugin that allows you to give items, money and xp using simple but powerful commands.
Give Items by Material Name
- You can give everyone items by specifying a material name
- You can specify the amount
Give XP
- You can give everyone experience points and levels
Give Money
- You can give everyone money (uses
Give Items From Hand
- You can give everyone the items you are holding in hand
- You can overwrite the amount of items with a higher or lower one
Save and Give Items From Hand
- You can save the items you are holding in hand and give them a special name
- You can use the "give items by material name" feature with the custom name you saved to give everyone the item.
- You don't need to hold the item in hand while giving it
- You can overwrite the amount
- If you only want to reward people that are in a specific world, you can do that as well! All the actions listed above can be done just in a specific world.
- If by everyone, you just mean people that are close to you, a radius can be specified for all of the actions listed above.
WORLD + Radius!?
- YES! You can specify a world, a center point and a radius from that center point and only the people that are in that world that are also in radius will be rewarded.
PlaceholderAPI Support
- Every message is customizable and supports
PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
Vault Support
- Money can be given using a currency plugin that supports
- Java 17+
- PlaceholderAPI
- Vault (
Not Required!)
Code (Text):
help - Executor: Any - Permission:
reload - Executor: Any - Permission: giveall.reload
material <material> [amount] - Executor: Any - Permission: giveall.use.base.material
hand [amount] - Executor: Player - Permission: giveall.use.base.hand
xp <amount> ["levels"] - Executor: Any - Permission: giveall.use.base.xp
money <amount> - Executor: Any - Permission:
world <world> material <material> [amount] - Executor: Any - Permission:
world <world> hand [amount] - Executor: Player - Permission:
world <world> xp <amount> - Executor: Any - Permission:
world <world> money <amount> - Executor: Any - Permission:
radius <radius> material <material> [amount] - Executor: Player - Permission: giveall.use.radius.base.material
radius <radius> hand [amount] - Executor: Player - Permission: giveall.use.radius.base.hand
radius <radius> xp <amount> - Executor: Player - Permission: giveall.use.radius.base.xp
radius <radius> money <amount> - Executor: Player - Permission:
radius <radius> world <world> center <x> <y> <z> material <material> [amount] - Executor: Any - Permission:
radius <radius> world <world> center <x> <y> <z> hand [amount] - Executor: Any - Permission:
radius <radius> world <world> center <x> <y> <z> xp <amount> - Executor: Any - Permission:
radius <radius> world <world> center <x> <y> <z> money <amount> - Executor: Any - Permission:
special-item save <name> <displayname> ["force"] - Executor: Player - Permission:
special-item remove <name> - Executor: Any - Permission: giveall.use.special-item.remove
special-item list [page] - Executor: Any - Permission: giveall.use.special-item.list
Aliases: /giveall, /gall
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