The goal of this update was to bring the plugin to the most stable state possible.
~ Added Ground Spoof (Type C), experimental
~ Added getAlertInterval() to API
~ Added getMinimumVlToNotify() to API
~ Fixed Flight (Type B) and Jump (Type B) false positives on Shulkers
~ Added Aim (Type W), experimental
~ Added ghost block system, configurable from config.yml
~ Fixed rare criticals false positives with teleporting
~ Fixed Jump (Type A) falses on walls and hoppers
~ Fixed Boat Fly (Type B) false positives in 1.12 servers
~ Finished Vulcan top command and added it to the GUI
~ Fixed Timer (Type D) false positives
~ Cleaned up client brand placeholders
~ Added config option for GUI title
~ Removed Fast Bow (Type A) from experimental
~ Removed Step (Type B) from experimental
~ Added Aim (Type X), experimental
~ Fixed VulcanFlagEvent#setCancelled not working (thanks retrooper)
~ VulcanFlagEvent now always called async
~ Made crash checks punish instantly instead of going through the Alert Manager
~ Fixed Wall Climb (Type A) false positives from riptide
~ Fixed Velocity false positives in unloaded chunks
~ Removed Entity Speed (Type A) from experimental
~ Disabled Ground Spoof (Type A), recoding
~ Logs command will now run in a seperate thread so it doesnt lag as much
~ Added permission vulcan.bypass.ghostblock to bypass ghost block fix
~ Removed Motion (Type G), unncessary
~ Fixed Motion (Type F) velocity handling
~ Removed VClip (Type A)
~ Removed Ping Spoof checks since nobody ever used them and theyre pointless
~ Removed Anti Cactus (Type A)
~ Removed Blink (Type A) since nobody used it
~ Removed Scaffold (Type M) from experimental
~ Fixed No Slow (Type C) false positives with chorus fruit
~ Fixed potential Elytra (Type A) false positives with chorus fruit
~ Recoding Bad Packets (Type L) and Bad Packets (Type S)
~ Added VulcanPostFlagEvent to the API (called when an alert message is sent, not every violation necessarily unless it is configured that way)
~ Fixed Fast Climb false positives with placing blocks
~ Fixed Interact false positives in creative
~ Fixed nearbyBlocks not showing up on punishment logs for 1.13+ servers
~ Added CheckData system to the API to easily grab values
~ Added getServerVersion() to the API
~ Added getClientVersion(final Player player) to the API
~ Fixed potential false positives with flight when sleeping? idk
~ Fixed rare Flight (Type A) false positives with Slimes
~ Added No Slow (Type B) - NoSlow soul sand check
~ Fixed potential No Slow (Type C) false positives
~ Added No Slow (Type D) - honey noslow check - experimental
~ Fixed Step (Type A) false positives with boats
~ Fixed Motion (Type A) false positives on trapdoors
~ Fixed potential Velocity false positives with flight and elytras
~ Fixed rare Speed (Type A) and Motion (Type F) false positives when stuck in a block
~ Improved bubble column handling
~ Fixed false positives from trampoline gadgets
~ Fixed Speed false positives from other miscellaneous gadgets
~ Added Speed (Type D) experimental
~ Added a buffer to Scaffold (Type B)
~ Fixed Criticals false positives with Webs and slow falling
~ Fixed No Slow (Type C) false positives from elytras/fireworks
~ Fixed Interact false positives in Spectator mode
~ Fixed potential false positives from Sprint (Type A) on ice
~ Removed Jesus (Type B) from experimental
~ Removed Jesus (Type C) from experimental
~ Removed Jesus (Type D) from experimental
~ Removed Jesus (Type E) from experimental
~ Added Bad Packets (Type Z)
~ Recoding Fast Break (Type A)