Version 1.6.1 adds a couple of new features, and is an overall more "polished" version of 1.6. As always, be sure to regenerate your config.yml since a couple of config options have been added and some have changed.
- Message on startup tells how many shops have been loaded
- /vm search shows shop coordinates and shop name of each nearby shop
- Based on owner's balance, the set buy limit, and available space in the storage, each item set to BUY mode will now display how much more you can buy (sell for customers) instead of the owner's balance
- Error message "use dot for decimals" when setting price
- Change the cancel action input to anything you want
- Just typing "/vm" will now tell you to use "/vm help" instead of an error
- You can no longer sell items to a shop with full storage
- Tab completion bug when creating shops