Fix NullPointerException when spinning the roulette table.
Fixed the database that was erroneously increasing in size.
You can now set a limit to the number of roulette sessions that are saved in the database, as well as an option for wins not to be counted towards the limit.
Code (Text):
# Here you will find some options about saving sessions.
# NOTE: Victory sessions are used for statistics (used by PlaceholderAPI).
# * If you use them and want to use a limit, you should leave @keep-victories = true.
# * Additionally, wins are used for @map-image maps (vouchers).
# RECOMMEND: Set @limit to a moderately high value like 50 and set @keep-victories to true.
# The limit of sessions to keep saved; once exceeded, the oldest session will be deleted.
# NOTE: the minimum limit must be 3 or greater (-1 = no limit).
limit: -1
# Whether to delete only the losses (which usually take up the most space) and keep the victories.
keep-victories: true
# The text that will appear below a session that only contains winning results.
only-victories-text: "&aOnly victories!"
NOTE: The limit will start to apply when the next session is saved.
NOTE 2: If your database (plugins/Roulette/data.db) is too large and you care about space usage, it is recommended that you delete your database and set a limit.