Chunky icon

Chunky -----

Pre-generates chunks, quickly, efficiently, and safely

Chunky 1.1.9
New shapes! Added rectangle and oval due to popular request. If you want to use them, keep in mind that they use an optional second radius. For example, if you want to make a rectangle like this, you would type something like chunky shape rectangle, followed by chunky radius 2000 1000. This would create a rectangle which goes out by 2000 blocks in the X direction and 1000 blocks in the Z direction. Enjoy! Also fixed a bug where shapes would not be centered correctly if using the loop pattern.
----------, Sep 13, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 512,628
First Release: Jul 15, 2020
Last Update: Nov 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
183 ratings
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