First major update for Chunky! I recommend that people finish their existing tasks or restart them when updating, as there are some changes to the order that chunks are visited while generating. Three generation patterns are now available (compared to only one before). In this update, chunks will be generated starting from the center of the world in a concentric pattern. There is also spiral and loop (the old pattern) as well, so you can change it depending on your preference. The
chunky pattern command can be used to switch between generation patterns (concentric, loop, & spiral).
I want to give a shout out to
@JakeTS of
Jake's RTP who made a really cool diagram showing how each pattern fills your worlds. Following the line shows the order that the chunks get generated in:
Also thanks to everyone who has supported the project so far, either through providing positive feedback, donating, or just simply leaving a like on the page. I appreciate it, and look forward to continuing to develop this project even further.