Best and most efficient auto tool plugin available! See below for performance infos!
BestTools can automatically choose the best tool from your hotbar or whole inventory everytime you mine a block. Every player can enable or disable this feature if desired with the simple command
/bt (or /besttools).
BestTools will always choose the fastest available tool and takes enchantments into account. Every player can also decide whether they want to limit the tool selection to their hotbar or complete inventory with the command
/bt hotbar (or /besttools hotbar).
You can also enable automatic hotbar refill using the command
/rf (or /refill).
Furthermore it's possible to use BestTools for using your best weapons when attacking monsters, for example it will prefer a stone sword with smite 5 over a diamond sword with sharpness 1 when attacking zombies, or an iron axe over an unenchanted iron sword, etc.
Please let me know on Discord when certain 1.18 blocks are not detected yet. I will add the correct tools for them once I got any reports. Thanks!
Outstanding performance! BestTools 1.4.0+ easily gets along with even hundreds of players that are stripmining with golden efficiency 5 pickaxes at the same time!
(Yes, I have tested that! If you don't believe me, enable "measure-performance" in the config.yml or see the videos below. Under each video is a link to the detailed performance information.)
Unlike similar plugins, BestTools will only do recalculations if absolutely neccessary. If you mine the same block again without having a tool broken, picked up or dropped, BestTools will immediately quit its calculations.
Example: Desert rage
Destroying a desert and desert temple with golden efficiency 5 shovels and pickaxes (Performance results)
Example: Strip mining Strip mining with random blocks and diamond efficiency 5 tools (Performance results)
I am always working on improving performance, but if you somehow accomplish to make your server laggy using BestTools, I will be happy to buy you a beer or three!
Commands /bt or /besttools Enables BestTools for this player (automatically switches to best available tool when mining blocks)
/bt hotbar or /besttools hotbar Toggles per player whether BestTools should only search the hotbar or the whole inventory
/bt reload or /besttools reload Reloads the config file
/rf or
/refill Automatically refills your item stacks in your hotbar from your inventory once they are empty
See the config.yml for all other commands.
Permissions besttools.use Allows the commands
/bt and
besttools.refill Allows the commands
/rf and
besttools.reload Allows to reload the config using
/bt reload or
/besttools reload
Default config The configuration file is automatically generated if it does not exist. On every new BestTools release, the config file will be updated to include the newest options. Your changes will be kept.