MiniMOTD - Server List MOTD Plugin with RGB Gradients icon

MiniMOTD - Server List MOTD Plugin with RGB Gradients -----

MiniMOTD is a MOTD plugin using MiniMessage for formatting (supports RGB Hex, Gradients, and more!)

Version: 2.1.4
Obrigado por disponiblizar o plugin e atualizações de forma gratuita! te amamos :)

Version: 2.1.3
Great, simple, lightweight plugin, which allows you to change your motd to whatever you need, including server icon :)

Version: 2.1.2
Simple to use and understand, very useful for me and for my server :))))))))))))

Version: 2.1.2
Doesn't works with velocity gives error: "The plugin file minimotd-bukkit-bungeecord-2.1.2.jar appears to be a Bukkit or BungeeCord plugin. Velocity does not support Bukkit or BungeeCord plugins."

Version: 2.1.2
Good and Simple, shitty ass 1 star review was just dumb and didnt knew how to do it lol

Version: 2.1.2
It's working fine, but there are a few areas where improvements could still be made overall.

Version: 2.1.1
Im gonna use this plugin for my minecraft server, i will see if it is a good plugin. I saw some people say its good, so i have really high expectations!

Version: 2.1.0
Writing a review because the one below is literally insane. This is a free plugin. 2 days wait time for support for a free plugin is amazing. Spoiled.

Version: 2.1.0
Dont get me wrong, this plugin is very good, but the support is absolutely awful: i waited 2 days for a response from the owner.... the question would have taken about 2 minutes to answer :/

Version: 2.1.0
This is an excellent choice for a MOTD plugin, it has basically all the features you'd want and an easy configuration process.

The bad reviews are from people that didn't bother reading the wiki or downloading the proper version for their server type.

Version: 2.1.0

Version: 2.0.14
Pretty great at most of what it does, however, the plugin lacks a customisable player list hover message, which stops me from rating this a 5/5. Apart from that, it's good!

Version: 2.0.14
I lost braincells reading these braindead 1 star reviews. Plugin works completely fine, does exactly what it claims to do.

Version: 2.0.14
Not a single one of the RGB birdflop variations work on this crappy ass plugin .

Version: 2.0.14
Great plugin, It works great to spice up the appearance of my server on server lists.

Version: 2.0.14
Although its a bit heavier MOTD plugin (file size), the customizable is very *chef kiss*,

Very recommended to use this, there's even RGB supported.

Version: 2.0.14
This plugin runs on Velocity! All those who write that it doesn't work, you are too stupid to figure out how to make it work there!

It works great for me on version 1.20.2! And the velocity version is 1.20.1

Version: 2.0.13
for people who are complaining about velocity support in comments read the whole page carefully.
velocity here:

Version: 2.0.13
This Plugin doesn't support velocity at all. It says The plugin file minimotd-bukkit-bungeecord-2.0.13.jar appears to be a Bukkit or BungeeCord plugin. Velocity does not support Bukkit or BungeeCord plugins.

Version: 2.0.13
This plugin is very good! Even with the old version, it can still run on 1.20.1! I hope more people understand this plugin. Can I post it on the Harmony Forum in China at I will mark the address of the original publishing page.


Version: 2.0.13
A really good plugin, unfortunately weighty, but nothing terrible. By the way, I would like the developer to add a modifiable player count hover message. That would be awesome :)

Version: 2.0.12
@mxwxkx and @jonasthediamond you did not even read the docs or something else. @Jonasthediamond you can easly create you own Gardients and @mxwxkx strange for me it runs on the latest velocity build donwloaded on the papermc hanger.

Version: 2.0.12
doesn't support velocity at all. after installing on velocity there is an error that says about the lack of integration with velotity. SCAM!!!

Version: 2.0.12
Doesn't support any other placeholders; colors are quite limited & only allow 2 color gradients.

Version: 2.0.12
The plugin in itself is good, but the fact that you remove old-school format (&) is ridiculous. I am used to the old format and hate the new one with passion.

I understand that the new format is supposed to be "noob" or "beginner" friendly, but if you know how to install a plugin then you also know how to look up colour codes, like everyone did before and nobody complained.

The plugin config is MESSY and is NOT beginner friendly.

Thank you but not thank you. I wasted 2 hours looking for a new plugin that was still compatible and supported old colours.

What happened?

Version: 2.0.12
great plugin, lite enough, 2 minutes setting up, tested 1.20

Version: 2.0.12
Excellent plugin. Does many functions. One request: Ability to use the players head or character skin as the server icon (favicon) like the old serverlist plus did.

Version: 2.0.12
The plugin itself is good, but does not support other forks of the spigot core, like purpur and others.

Version: 2.0.11
Very good, better than cleanmotd x100

Version: 2.0.10
No words to describe how shit this plugin is. Just smile back, ignore and download another motd plugin

Version: 2.0.10
Absolutely a must have MOTD plugin with all features you need! Very recommended!

Version: 2.0.10
Great mod that helped me spruce up my server. Great functionality such as randomized pictures and MOTD, fake players and more. Work on Purpur 1.19.x

Version: 2.0.10
Absolutely fantastic, so many niche features you won't find elsewhere. Great job!

Version: 2.0.9
Very nice plugin ! It's help my server motd more beautiful than ever also I love those fake player stuff sooooooooooooooooooooooo much

Version: 2.0.9
easy to use. wonderful looking. thank you for this cool little plugin!!..............

Version: 2.0.8
Nice little plugin, has some flaws though.

It has one of those config files that decides to modify itself when reloading the plugin because it knows better. It adds 4 lines of annoying comments to each motd array item, which makes the conf file hard to read when you have hundreds of motds, but more importantly it just cost me hours of text formatting because I decided to test a new design by removing them all temporarily just to view my test expecting to just return the whole file with CTRL+Z, but because it made an edit to the file on the reload, notepad++ now reloads that file, dropping my change history, meaning I just lost my entire file. All the time I spent this morning formatting gone. Fun times.

And I cannot figure out how to set a variable. I would love if I could setup a motd to come from a list itself so i can have random header and random second line.

Version: 2.0.8
MiniMOTD does what it says exactly and perfectly


Version: 2.0.8
Suddendly stopped working on my Purpur server, but stills a good plugin that's something to say

Version: 2.0.8
great plugin, works well and i would highly recommend it. don't know what else to say but its a good plugin

Version: 2.0.8
Please add placeholderapi support, cannot use any motd plugin that does not offer it unfourtunately...

Version: 2.0.8
The best MOTD plugin on Spigot, or anywhere practically. You cannot find anything better than this, honestly.

Version: 2.0.8
Thank you for keeping support for new versions of the game, this is of great value and helps a lot in the reliability of the developer and also of the plugin.

Version: 2.0.7

Best MOTD plugin!
- 10/10
I'd recommend this website:
It was initially made for TAB and lets
you preview the gradient of your text.

If you want to use a custom gradient
just replace the '<"color">text' with
the hex codes you can find on the left
It should look like this:
Author's response This website is better as it's using the same MiniMessage format as MiniMOTD

Version: 2.0.7
Das Plugin ist leicht zu bedienen, erfüllt ganz simpel seinen Zweck. Würde das Plugin jederzeit wieder nehmen und kann es euch nur Empfehlen :)

Version: 2.0.7
How i can use placeholder in motd ?

Version: 2.0.6
This is the BEST plugin for all of your MOTD needs!!! Great support, can use it on all platforms, developer isn't arrogants, uses MiniMessage formatting which is LOVELY to use. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Version: 2.0.5
The worst support i've ever seen
They don't even read your questions and give bad answers than they ban you on the channel because they're arrogants.....

Version: 2.0.5
It's very simple and works just as it says in the description. like the gradient.

Version: 2.0.5
Great plugin!

Though I would like to be able to add a list of "random messages" and add it as a placeholder. That would be a great addition to this plugin

Version: 2.0.4
Amazing plugin! Documentation is easy to read and didn't confuse me in any way and the plugin works as expected, would recommend.

Version: 2.0.4
Great !

Version: 2.0.3
Once you understood how to use formatting and everything, you can easily make a motd with hex codes.

Nice Plugin!

Version: 2.0.3
gud plugin the dev is pog he gave support within 1 min! i recommend this plugin so much its the best one out there!

Version: 2.0.3
Nice plugin!

There are more text for publishing my review... And a bit mooooore...

Version: 2.0.3
Can't edit the motd, bug? no icon file no config and like change messages
Author's response
You've likely configured something incorrectly.
Reviews are not for support, join my discord (linked in the plugin overview) or ask in the discussion section if you need help setting up the plugin.

Version: 2.0.3
A greay plugin!
Might I introduce it to
I hope more people to kown about this plugin and use it
Also,I'll get people to download plugin in your posts :)

Version: 2.0.1
Thank you for this! One of a kind MOTD plugin that supports gradient and velocity!

Version: 2.0.0
Only took me less than 10 Minutes to configure the entire plugin, it was so easy and the Developer is very active in the support channels in the Discord server. 10/10

Version: 2.0.0
This plugin is just way too good, way better than other MOTD plugins out here. This plugin is a must.

Version: 2.0.0
This is just the best plugin for motds ever! Its super user friendly and easy to use and looks really good, as well as motds the developer has even gone out to making it so you can have multiple server icons which switch. Proper good plugin!

Version: 1.2.3
[ Very nice ]

Version: 1.2.2
it works perfectly and now my servers motd looks a lot cooler with this plugin and its easy to use

Version: 1.2.2
Great plugin, work realy good, is easy to understand and config. I have a suggestion, can you add a 3 colors Gradient? <gradiente:C1:C2:C3> so.. we can use that to make a text gradient in both ways, Fordward and Backwards. If you can add that, would be more awesome ^^
Author's response
Hi, thanks for the review! Multi-color gradients are already possible in the way you mention, ie: "<gradient:red:blue:yellow>". If you have more questions, asking in my Discord is the best way to get a response :)

Version: 1.2.2
Amazing, thank you, saved hours of work and constant fiddling. Great plugin, 100% reccoomended

Version: 1.2.2
That gradient, so beautiful! This one works! 1.16.3 I tried many many MOTD plugins. This one is actually working. Its brilliant! Thank you very much for making this.

Version: 1.2.2
Worked like a charm! Great plugin to give your server a unique look from outside!

Version: 1.2.2
thank you for this amazing plugin! from the beginning I saw this plugin is amazing! Thank you for making this!

Version: 1.2.2
This is an 5 star plugin, but I rate it 4 because I get an error when I ping the server, it all works ok but, this error is annoying.

Author's response
The error message says "ParseException: Can't parse gradient phase (not a color 1) gradient:aquq:blue", this is due to "aquq" not being a color.

Version: 1.2.2
Amazing! All features work as promised, and work well. Multi-ICON is icing on the cake.

Version: 1.2.0
Imo this is the best current motd plugin. The gradient feature along with RGB compatibility was enough to interest me, and it's been the only motd plugin I've needed since installing

Version: 1.1.7
Great plugin!But how to modify the texture on the left?
Please add a function that can modify the image on the left!
Author's response
I think this may be what you need:

Version: 1.1.7
Very nice resource, simple config and exactly what I needed and it works really well.

Version: 1.1.6
Just Wow, Exactly what i needed. Support was answered within 5 mins hex works perfectly. 10/10

Version: 1.1.6
Plugin very working, active developer and willing to help if you have problems on your discord server, plugins recommended.

Version: 1.1.6
Really good MOTD plugin. It's the only one I've found that supports RGB and offers color down-sampling.

Version: 1.1.2
Really awesome plugin ! my bad for the wrong rating, I was gonna add 5 stars but I couldn't change it earlier xD

Version: 1.1.2
Really liked how I could customize my MOTD with the RGB colors. In my opinion, it looks more attractive compared to several other plugins i have used in the past.

Version: 1.1.1
Many people would use this plugin, but unfortunately it doesn't provide the option to replace the image. Therefore, it is useless for many people.
Author's response
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. You can change the server icon by putting server-icon.png in the same folder as BungeeCord or Spigot. If you have further questions please use the discussion tab or Discord. Thanks

Version: 1.1.0
Excellent use of the RGB colors feature. Very good plugin overall, works fine with Spigot 1.16.1 and Bungeecord.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 81,020
First Release: Jul 9, 2020
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
79 ratings
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