Improvements on kill streak system and some bug fixes
Discord: mrdespical
Fixed exception is throwed if player is killed by non-entity cause such as kill command.
Fixed attack cooldown speed not restoring properly after a casual game.
Improvements on kill streak system, now custom kill streak message for custom amount of points can be created. If more than one message is created for the same score amount, randomly one of them will be chosen.
Extended the title and subtitle durations from 20 ticks to 40 ticks and in some cases 60 ticks.
Messages File Changes
Code (YAML):
Unknown-Death: "&9%player% &eis killed by &ksomeoneunknown&7!" Kill-Streak: -
"&9%killer% &eis on &b%kill_streak% &ekill streak!" -
"&9%killer% &eis unbeatable!" -
"2:&9%killer% &egot 2 players in a row!" -
"5:&9%killer% &egot 5 kills in a row!" -
"10:&9%killer% &eis now reached to 10 kills in a row!"