NFCNotes icon

NFCNotes -----

Put your money into sheets of paper and give it away... or even burn it?

[2.5.0] Updated to Java 21, Spigot 1.21, migrated to PDC and new feature
NFCNotes 2.5.0
Updated to Java 21, Spigot 1.21, migrated to PDC and new feature

  • IMPORTANT! Notes do not use attributes anymore to store their internal data; now, persistent data containers are used instead. This means that if you use other plugins that stores NFCNotes and then compares them (Shopkeepers, for example), newer notes won't work with them, and older notes must be updated! An old note can be converted by just clicking it, and a message will appear in your chat confirming the conversion.
  • Dropped support for Java versions below 21 and Spigot versions below 1.21. Please use at least Java 21 and Spigot 1.21 or newer if you want to use NFCNotes. If you want to use an older version, stay at NFCNotes 2.4.1 (this version is NOT supported anymore!!!)
  • Added an option that only allows users to withdraw a specific amount of money. Usage: /withdraw [amount]. Please update your config.yml file if you want to use this! Then change your config-version setting to 13.

New options have been added to the messages.yml file! Check them here. Once you have updated your messages.yml, you can safely change the messages-version option to 9!
----------, Jul 22, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,849
First Release: Jul 2, 2020
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings