Did you ever wanted to reward your players for voting the server ?
Well, this plugin is for you. You can send commands (like giving some items, money, crates, etc) and broadcast a message when someone votes.
Fully configurable, you can add as many commands as you want, change all the plugin messages, etc.
Warning !
If you update from 0.4.2beta you must reset the config to have voteparty, alternatively you can change the config using the default config displayed bellow.
I recomend to install the latest NuVotifier version from here:
Latest version from spigot:
Only if you want to use the placeholders to show the number of votes in a scoreboard or just to make a leaderboard using leaderheads.
If you don't install Votifier or NuVotifier, the plugin won't work !
/vote - Display the vote links, the message displayed is configurable (votemessage option).
/votereward - Displays a message with the rewards you give for voting the server (also configurable in config.yml, voterewardmsg option)
/votes - Displays your vote count
/votes <player> displays a target player vote count (online or offline)
/dinovote version - Displays the plugin's version.
/dinovote reload - Reloads the plugin config, you can use this after you change the messages for example.
dinovote.votereward - permission to use /votereward
dinovote.version - permission to use /dinovote version
dinovote.reload - permission to use /dinovote reload (to reload the config).
dinovote.vip - default permission to receive vip rewards (you can change vip to whatever you want in the config file).
dinovote.mvp - default permission to receive mvp rewards (you can change vip to whatever you want in the config file).
dinovote.noremind - if you have remindmessages enabled in the config.yml, players with this permission will not receive vote reminders
%dinovoterewards_votes% - displays the number of votes a player has
(You need to have placeholderapi to use placeholders)
%dinovoterewards_vp_votes% - displays the current number of votes counted for the voteparty, it resets when it reaches the threshold for voteparty
%dinovoterewards_vp_votes_required% - displays the current vote threshold to trigger the voteparty
Default config.yml :
Code (Text):
#If this is set to true, the players will receive a message defined in the Messages section
PlayerJoinMessage: true
#If this is set to true, we will send a broadcast message defined in the Messages section each time someone votes
BroadCastVotes: true
#If this is set to true, you enable the cumulative section bellow
Cumulative: false
#If this is set to true, you enable the permission rewards bellow
PermVote: false
#If this is set to true you enable the global commands bellow
GlobalCmds: false
#If this is set to true players will receive remind messages to vote
RemindMessage: false
#Time in seconds between reminds (reminds are sent only if the player didn't vote in the last 24 hours)
RemindTime: 300
#Enable VoteParty ?
VoteParty: false
enable: false
ServerName: 'survival'
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
username: 'root'
password: 'password'
database: 'dinovote'
table: 'dvote'
#Commands to send when someone votes the server
- 'give %player% diamond 3'
- 'give %player% iron_ingot 16'
votesRequired: 50
- 'give %player% redstone 64'
- '&fYou have received the voteparty rewards.'
#At 5 votes, we will run the command bellow (you can set multiple commands, just like in the commands section)
- 'give %player% gold_ingot 1'
- 'Thanks for voting the server for 5 times !'
#At 10 votes, we will run the command bellow (you can set multiple commands, just like in the commands section)
- 'give %player% emerald 1'
- 'Thanks for voting the server for 10 times !'
#If the player has the permission dinovote.vip, he will receive the reward bellow
- 'give %player% diamond 10'
#If the player has the permission dinovote.mvp, he will receive the reward bellow
- 'give %player% diamond 16'
#The commands bellow will be executed only once on the first server the player enters (usefull if you want
#to give players a global curency). You need to have MySQL enabled for this to work
#These are executed only on the server where the player is online
- 'tokens give %player% 10'
#The message shown when someone types /vote
- '&6-----------------------------------'
- ''
- '&6You curently have %votes% votes'
- 'You can vote the server to get good rewards'
- ''
- 'LINK: &6https://minecraft-mp.com'
- ''
- '&6-----------------------------------'
#The message sent to the player when he/she joins the server (you can disable this in settings section)
- '&6---------------------------------'
- ''
- '&eVote our server to get some nice rewards'
- 'Use /vote to get the vote link'
- ''
- '&6---------------------------------'
#The message broadcasted to the server when someone votes (you can disable this in the settings section)
- '&e%player% &fhas voted the server and received his rewards.'
- ''
- '&6Type /vote &fto get the vote link if you also want to vote'
- '&eThe VoteParty &fhas been executed.'
- ''
- '&6Type /vote &fto get the vote link if you also want to vote'
#The message bellow is sent to the player when he/she votes
- '-----------------------------------'
- ''
- '&fThanks for voting the server! '
- '&eYou curently have %votes% votes !'
- ''
- '-----------------------------------'
#The message sent to the player when he/she types /voterewards
- '-----------------------------------'
- ''
- '&fYou can receive the following rewards if you vote the server: '
- '&e5 x Diamond, 16 x iron ingot'
- ''
- '-----------------------------------'
#Remind Message are sent only if the player didn't vote in the last 24 hours
- '-----------------------------------'
- ''
- 'Remember to vote the server ! Type /vote to get the vote link'
- ''
- '-----------------------------------'
#The message sent when someone types /votes to check his number of votes
- '-----------------------------------'
- ''
- '&eYou curently have %votes% votes'
- ''
- '-----------------------------------'
#The message sent when someone types /votes %player% to check a player number of votes
- '-----------------------------------'
- ''
- '&fPlayer %player% has %votes% votes'
- ''
- '-----------------------------------'
You can use %player% to replace it to the player names when someone votes. Also use %votes% if you want to display the number of votes.
Romanian translation:
Support discord: