Bug fix:
- Fixed NPE error on 1.13~1.14 server
- Fixed Unsupported API version
- Fixed issues when smelt is enabled
- Fixed furnace issue
- Fixed item suction's particle location doesn't get spawned at the middle of the hopper
- Fixed SQL error
- Fixed NPE error when using AUTO method for generating level
- Fixed item goes to wrong slot in Fuel gui
- Fixed Furnace gui's item doesn't get update after reloading config
- Fixed Sub user's permission not working
- RoseStacker compatibility
- HeadDatabase support
- Custom Head support for GUI (Check
- Data conversion command
- Option to disable blocking player when plugin is still fetching data
- transfer_item_amount can be configured in every each level
- Removed smelt button from VOID
- Next/Previous page button will not get displayed unless the current page doesn't have enough slot to display item
Note: The current version doesn't solve the issue with MySQL yet, it will be solved in the next update