PacketEvents API icon

PacketEvents API -----

PacketEvents is an open-source Packet Processing API.

  • Direction enum cleaned up, unneeded enum constant values removed.
  • NullPointerException with the Player in PacketSendEvent FIXED.
  • WrappedPacketInBlockDig getX(), getY(), getZ() not working FIXED.
  • WrappedPacketInBlockDig.getDirection() optimized and now works on 1.7.10.
    FYI the direction is also known as the block face.
  • WrappedPacketInBlockPlace#getX(), getY(), getZ() not working FIXED.
  • WrappedPacketInBlockPlace#getItemStack() removed as the itemstack field doesn't exist in newer versions.
    Legacy packetevents was lazily coded and actually used a block iterator to find the block you are looking at.
    I now removed the field as we cannot have full cross version compatibility with the method.
    If you don't want to be supporting the newer versions, use my wrapper creation utilities to access it yourself.
  • WrappedPacketInBlockPlace#getDirection() added
  • WrappedPacketInUpdateSign#getX(), getY(), getZ() not working FIXED.
  • WrappedPacketInUpdateSign#getTextLines() errors FIXED.
  • WrappedPacketOutHeldItemSlot wrapper created.(Basically change player's current selected slot)
  • Incompatibility and errors with paper(1.16.x) fixed.
  • PacketEvents.getSettings().packetHandlingThreadCount(int) setting added.
    It lets you decide how many threads PacketEventsshould use when asynchronously injecting/ejecting players, processing packets(PacketEvents' end) and event calling(processing on your end).
    PacketEvents' current default settings are the most recommended settings.
    Having more than one thread doing all that processing might cause you (or PacketEvents, as that feature hasn't been tested that much) some concurrency issues where multiple threads are accessing/modifying the same data at the same time!
----------, Nov 8, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32,953
First Release: Jun 16, 2020
Last Update: Dec 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
60 ratings
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