Placeholders, Some Fixes, More Config Options, Debug Mode and Medieval Factions Integration
Changes in Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.8
Caibinus integrated PlaceholderAPI with the plugin.
Integrated Medieval Factions with the plugin.
If a player is in faction chat and RP chat, their chat event will be cancelled. (if MF is installed)
Fixed an ArrayOutOfBoundsException error printing in the console when players typed /lo with no arguments.
Fixed a NullPointerException error printing in the console.
Added the "positiveAlertColor" config option.
Added the "neutralAlertColor" config option.
Added the "negativeAlertColor" config option.
Added the "chatFeaturesEnabled" config option.
Added the "debugMode" config option.
Created a config option for legacy chat, then refactored the chat system to allow players to hide global chat.
Made sure that the chat system worked with prefixes in Medieval Factions.
Note This version of the plugin works with the Medieval Factions API in version 4.2.2-alpha-3 of Medieval Factions. You may run into problems when using an earlier version of Medieval Factions with this version of Medieval Roleplay Engine. You can download this version of Medieval Factions