I have had no one contact me about this dupe? I can't patch an issue that has not been reported.
Anyone who has mentioned a dupe has not provided me with any information about how it's done or anything.
Version: v2.7.13
The plugin is great, but the lack of support is frustrating. No updates for Minecraft 1.21.4, and issues are left unresolved. It's sad to see such potential wasted due to neglect. I hope the author reconsiders and supports the community.
Currently there is a lethal GUI dupe going around with this plugin. Please fix it and I'll remove this rating. It's featured on a DuperTrooper video on YouTube, uploaded yesterday
This isn't much help to me. I looked at that video and saw nothing if you have a legitimate concern please join our discord and open a ticket.
Version: v2.7.10
- [Wed 21:44:03 ERROR DeluxeCoinflip] Error occurred while attempting to get a player's data.
java.sql.SQLException: stmt pointer is closed
at org.sqlite.core.SafeStmtPtr.ensureOpen(SafeStmtPtr.java:148)
at org.sqlite.core.SafeStmtPtr.safeRunConsume(SafeStmtPtr.java:141)
at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3PreparedStatement.executeQuery(JDBC3PreparedStatement.java:77)
at DeluxeCoinflip-2.7.10.jar//net.zithium.deluxecoinflip.storage.handler.impl.SQLiteHandler.getPlayer(SQLiteHandler.java:92)
at DeluxeCoinflip-2.7.10.jar//net.zithium.deluxecoinflip.storage.StorageManager.lambda$loadPlayerData$3(StorageManager.java:110)
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:101)
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.scheduler.CraftAsyncTask.run(CraftAsyncTask.java:57)
at com.destroystokyo.paper.ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.run(ServerSchedulerReportingWrapper.java:22)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840)
good plugin but can't use it due to anti-virus flagging it for now, got to wait and see what the author is going to do about this as Microsoft didn't reply back to him yet.
Thank you for the updated review. I apologize about that warning and understand that it's frustrating I am hoping that Microsoft contacts me soon regarding it or I can somehow figure out what's causing the false flag.
If you are still concerned feel free to download the JAR and upload it to virus total to be sure that it's safe.
Version: v2.7.4
Do something about that annoying anti-virus flag issue, already reported this ages ago
You made one of the biggest mistakes in the history of plugins for multiplayer games, which cost me a lot of money by duplicating items, but you corrected yourself, let me subtract just 1 star from your overall rating, I should be furious and give 1 star for such neglect of the plugin, and for the losses that I failed, but I'm human and I appreciate that you improved your plugin and continue to support it. I hope you won't do something wrong again in the future because I will change the rating from 4 stars to one.
EDIT: this guy has done it again, another copying error. I do not recommend this plugin
I don't recall you reaching out to me for support either on spigot or discord? I can't patch any issues if I'm not made aware of them in the correct manner.
Version: 2.6.6
You made one of the biggest mistakes in the history of plugins for multiplayer games, which cost me a lot of money by duplicating items, but you corrected yourself, let me subtract just 1 star from your overall rating, I should be furious and give 1 star for such neglect of the plugin, and for the losses that I failed, but I'm human and I appreciate that you improved your plugin and continue to support it. I hope you won't do something wrong again in the future because I will change the rating from 4 stars to one.
DeluxeCoinflip is a crucial element in virtually all of my networks. It is the best-performing coinflip plugin on the market and one of the few resources that have never let me down (disregarding the unanticipated duplication bug). I look forward to the upcoming updates the new author has to bring.
(Responding to the individual below): The new user now owns the resource, and will be frequently maintained. More updates are to come!
Should've make the plugin open source if you're not maintain it anymore.
The plugin is not updating for over a year.
If you want to waste your money then go ahead.
Please give the latest version a try and let me know if this is still occurring.
Version: 2.6.3
L plugin thats have an op dupe and discord not work dont buy it !!! Please trust me guys that plugin have a op dupe with that you can take every item out of a gui
Broke my server's economy. Player get into the coinflip 3 times with 100$, for the 4th time they get into coinflip with 100-300K$ and they usually win (90%). My players have millions of money because of this bug.
Console error on 1.19.2 but that was easily fixed by trying older versions of the plugin. Once working, it's very clean, simple to use and no bugs! Great plugin :)
Discord redirect and wiki are temporarily down, reviews are not the place for support. You can always DM me on Spigot directly, rather than posting a negative review.
Version: 2.6.2
This plugin is flawed and can easily be exploited by players to ensure they win every single coinflip they do against other players. The author of the plugin refuses to acknowledge and solve this issue, hence this rating.
Essentially, players can coinflip against their alternate account or friend with low amounts such as $1 infinitely until their win rate is very low, and they have lost many times in a row, and then they can do a large coinflip against another player and they will win 99/100 times.
This review is completely false, the win rate is a statistic and only that. It has no influence on future games. Each game is completely random with no previous memory. I can't fix randomness.
Version: 2.6.2
Its a really great plugin but I feel its missing a few features.
It would be nice if players could place more then 1 bet at a time.
And adding this option would reduce spam a lot.
Sad because while this is a great coinflip plugin, the last update broke the ability to use playerpoints, which is the only reason I bought this plugin.
Don't understand the previous negative reviews. They made me hesitate a bit but I went for it anyway.
This is a great plugin, extremely clean and professional and allows maximum customization of literally every single aspect. Thanks so much for this, my players will love it!
Can't say anything else than the developer being incredibly ignorant and lazy, used to see great things from this developer, although his activity and dedication towards developing plugins has been completely dropped toward the ground. Would highly discourage anyone from buying any of ItsLewizzz his plugins, reasoning being lack of updates, support, and functionality.
You haven't contacted me about support for DeluxeCoinflip so I'm unsure as to the point of your review is? You don't give any details as to why DCF deserves a 1 star rating. Just because lack of updates and "functionality" you rate 1 star? The plugin runs fine but you give no reason as to why it doesn't.
Version: 2.2.1
There are no updates, i ask for mysql update a few months ago and nothing, lazy dev
The latest update was an attempt to fix your issue as I could not recreate it. You are also running a cracked server so that could be a factor. Not sure what you mean I done nothing I've responded to your message already and I told you I'm looking into it.
Version: 2.2.1
Plugin in rather nice, but dev is complete ignorant, does not fixes bugs and does not add feature requests, or discuss them at least.. I recommend not buying...
do you do an update where when a player creates a cf, it comes out written in chat? for example "{player} created a cf of 500 {token / money}. use / cf to accept" after all beautiful plugin
Product is great, works as expected. The design is clean and straight forward. I do wish that if vault is the only currency active that we can hide / disable all currency references within the language and GUI.
Thanks for the review, you can disable other currencies in the config.yml by setting the enabled option to false and change the messages to just use the money ($) symbol without needing to display the currency type.
Version: 2.0.2
Works awesomely! Players love it, extremely customizable, and overall the best I've found!