Printer icon

Printer -----

Make printing schematics easy by using Printer!

Version: v3.2.2
Love this plugin. Simple. Does what is intended and author is great at communicating and can help answer questions and solve some issues you may have! 100% recommend!

Version: v3.2.1
Works fine but spams console with errors anytime someone uses. This happens on versions 1.18.2

Version: v2.7
very nice and good working plugin
When I reported a bug on github got a answer in less than 24 hours and he did his best to fix it asap.

Version: v2.1
Great Plugin. Super active dev. Should have his own faction server. Hope this guy best of luck in his future

Version: v2.1
Bruh this
is complete bunz dosent work at all horrible dev aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Author's response
What's the error? Is there any error message?

Version: v1.9.1
Amazing plugin, author got back to me quick- fixed some bugs I was having- AMAZING PLUGIN, would recommend

Version: v1.9
really great plugin, works like a charm but a few things- if a player is in /v and tps to another player in printer, their printer mode doesn't get deactivated and make /printer customizable, the text messages
Author's response
All messages are customizable in "messages.yml"

Version: v1.7.1
This resource is really great, players get to have creative mode for free and the support for it is great. It's impossible to exploit and almost everyone on my server finds it useful. Thanks so much for this plugin.

Version: v1.6.2
Great Plugin. Carter is super nice and is almost always online, I would recommend him to anyone I meet

Version: v1.3.2
wish it was on 1.16+ it would make the plugin much better for sure, please update to 1.16
Author's response
1.16 support has been released, however I cannot guarantee that all of the new 1.16 blocks will be able to be printed. I am working on this.

Version: v1.3
Best printer plugin. Tested the plugin with the owner and fixed all the bugs. 10/10 would recommend using.

Version: v1.1
The developer knows what he is doing and the code is really easy to work with if you want to make any type of modifications.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,981
First Release: Jun 7, 2020
Last Update: May 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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