Superheroes | Classes, Origins, Races icon

Superheroes | Classes, Origins, Races -----

Adds superheroes to minecraft!


This plugin gives you, the server owner, the ability to add your very own customized Origins/Classes/Heroes! It does this through a modular design of "skills" which can be mix and matched to create whatever you want! Want a skill that isn't in the plugin yet? Come and suggest it in our discord or make an issue on our github! I am very open to feedback and try to be as helpful as possible.


Do not fear if you're not the creative type though! There are 34 pre-made superheroes bundled with the plugin, all with unique abilities. Take a look!

Superhuman - You're a more powerful human
Black Hole - When you sneak, entities are attracted towards you!
Mole - You can instantly break certain blocks
Aerosurfer - You can create platforms under you by sneaking + jumping
GravityGuy - When you sneak, gravity is inverted.
Dolphin - your stereotypical water power, you can move quickly through water using Dolphin's Grace and you can never drown! However, it has the extra flare of being able to eat ink sacs for regeneration and hunger!
Floral - Wherever you look, you create flowers. Right-clicking these consumes them.
Phase - You can phase through the ground whenever you sneak.
Trap - You can trick players with your waifu disguise.
Strongman - You can pick up mobs and throw them
Speedster - You have Speed IV
Gun - You have a gun
Dragon - an extremely powerful offensive hero, with one main ability: Fireballs. You can lob a dragon fireball every 30s on demand, dealing serious damage!
Pyromaniac - Wherever you walk and look turns to fire, you are immune to fire.
Repulsion - You can repel other entities by sneaking.
LavaWalker - You have full fire immunity - and can walk on lava.
Chicken - You are, the chicken.
Iron Golem - a remix of the Chicken Superpower and is the sort of thing that is very easy to make in Superheroes2! You have permanent resistance 1, slowness 1 and you occasionally drop an Iron Ingot!
ExtraHeartMan - You have extra hearts and can give absorption hearts to other players
Enderman - You can teleport wherever you're looking by punching. You get additional enderpearls from killing endermen
Snowman - You never run out of snowballs and you place snow under yourself
KingMidas - Apples are turned to gold. Click on ingot blocks turns them into gold blocks.
Frozone - You can walk on water and every entity around you is slowed.
Eraserhead - When you look at people and sneak, they lose their power. You can see additional information about your opponents.
Creeper - If you hold sneak for two seconds, you explode.
Pickpocket - Right-clicking on players lets you steal from their inventory
Speleologist - Instantly smelt and double ores
Robot - You're never hungry, you have resistance and night vision but you are damaged by water. Being struck by lightning "powers" you up
Doomfist - You are doomfist from Overwatch
Slime - You can bounce along the floor
Zeus - Punching causes you to strike lightning wherever you look.
Scavenger- You unlock cheaper crafting recipes.
Sorcerer - You can create magical spell books and wield them at the cost of redstone. Sorcerer can use the following books:
"FIREBALL,SNOWBALL,ARROW,LIGHTNING,EGG,WATER,LAVA,FIRE,EXPLOSION,TRIDENT,TRANSMUTATION", and this is obtained by making a written book named with those names.
Spartan - based off of the spartans and their great shield walls, it spawns with a shield that can never be knocked down, even if they use an axe!
It also has the ability to throw arrows like javelins!
Spiderman - Can climb walls!
MtLady - You are a giant!
Tinkerbell - You are a small fairy that can fly!

By default, when a new player joins your server, a chest GUI will open allowing them to select a hero of their choice. The icons representing each hero can be customised to be any item of your choice.


Or, you can configure the plugin so
  • New players are Powerless
  • New players are assigned a random hero from a selection of your choice
  • Players can use /hero select with a cooldown (or GUI with a cooldown)
Changing Heroes
By default, if players obtain a nether star, they can reroll their hero. This is fully customisable in reroll.yml - change the item used for rerolling, change which heroes they can reroll to etc. You can even have multiple different items that can reroll you into different categories of hero! A nether star for good heroes and a wither skull for evil heroes if you wanted. You can also give players access to the hero gui, select or reroll commands.
  • /hero select - Change the hero of a player
  • /hero gui - Open the hero changing GUI
  • /hero check - Check which hero a player is using
  • /hero export - Create a file with a copy of the current data for use with /hero import when changing between databases
  • /hero import - Import the data in the exported file into your current database, useful for switching to MySQL
  • /hero reroll - Randomly choose a hero out of a group, configured in reroll.yml
  • /hero reload - Reloads the plugin
  • superheroes.hero.check - Permission to use /hero check to see your own hero
  • superheroes.hero.check.others - Permission to use /hero check to see someone else's hero
  • superheroes.hero.export - Permission to use /hero export
  • superheroes.hero.import - Permission to use /hero import
  • superheroes.hero.gui - Permission to use /hero gui or open GUI using /hero select
  • superheroes.hero - Permission to run any of the commands
  • - Permission to run /hero select on yourself
  • - Permission to run /hero select on any player
  • - Bypasses the cooldown on /hero select
  •<heroName> - If eachHeroRequiresPermission is enabled then this is required to give players access to a hero
  • superheroes.hero.reload - Reloads the plugin's configs and heroes
  • superheroes.hero.reroll - Permission to use /hero reroll
  • superheroes.hero.reroll.<groupName> - Permission to use /hero reroll for a certain reroll group
  • superheroes.notify - Who receives notifications about an update to Superheroes and suggestions to buy SuperheroesPlusUltra on larger servers

By default, Superheroes uses a single YAML file to store all player information (which hero they are, and their cooldown for switching heroes). If you have a large server, I recommend switching to MySQL instead in the database.yml. In order to make switching between formats easier, there is a /hero import and /hero export so you can run /hero export before switching database type and then /hero import after you switch so no data is lost!

Code (YAML):
#These are the settings which dictate where your players' heroes are stored
: this needs filling with your host name if using mysql
: 3306
: this needs filling with the database name if using mysql
: this needs filling with the username of the account being used to connect
    to mysql if using mysql
: this needs filling with the password being used to connect to mysql if
    using mysql
Yes, there is! We support PlaceholderAPI, you can learn more about how to install these placeholders here. Feel free to request more placeholders in my discord.


We support WorldGuard through the addition of an allow-heroes flag on worldguard regions. If you set this to deny, then heroes will be disabled in this region.

SuperheroesPlusUltra is an enormous extension to the original Superheroes plugin, it enables full integration of my plugin, SkillsLibrary, into Superheroes. This means you can write your own abilities for heroes you design without writing any java. It also comes with three brand new default heroes to provide an example of the abilities you can create using it.

It also allows you to set skins for your heroes, and has basic Skript integration!

Want to see how many others are using my plugin, or what superheroes are popular?
Superheroes' BStats
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 88,685
First Release: Jun 5, 2020
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
29 ratings
Version -----
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