:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨  [1.8-1.21] icon

:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨ [1.8-1.21] -----

The superior content filtration system for Minecraft servers. Trusted by over 650 servers.

4.4.0 // Experimental BungeeCord support is here!


Update 4.3.1

  • Added a new "bungeecord" config option that comes with 4 sub-settings: enabled, sync-configs, sync-playerdata, global-admin-notifier-messages. These options allow ChatSentry to automatically sync config settings and player data with other ChatSentry instances across your network, as well as other synchronization abilities like cross-server admin notifier messages. For information on how to set up the plugin to work with BungeeCord, see the guide here: https://wiki.chatsentry.xyz/bungeecord-bridge-setup-guide

  • Added a new permission node: 'chatsentry.violations.getnotified.cross_server'. Players with this permission will receive real-time violation notifications across all servers on the network (requires BungeeCord, BungeeCord mode, & global admin notifications enabled in config.yml)

  • Added new lang.yml nodes under the admin notifier used when BungeeCord mode is true. These message nodes are almost identical to the regular notification nodes however they use the new {SERVER_NAME} placeholder to show the server in which the notification came from in the message.

  • Added new actions to use in the Auto Punisher and Chat Executor modules: "{proxy_console_cmd}: command" to run a command as the from BungeeCord proxy console, and "{proxy_player_cmd}: command" to run a command as the player from the BungeeCord proxy

  • Additional applicable plugin permissions are now registered in the server on startup to resolve issues with some permission plugins failing to pick up unregistered permissions

  • Various code optimizations and other improvements

Updating Steps
  1. Delete ChatSentry-x.x.x.jar from your plugins folder.
  2. Place the new ChatSentry-4.4.0.jar in your plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server.

Join the Discord
You can gain access to the plugins discussion channel to chat with fellow ChatSentry users, get support, make suggestions, give feedback, and more related to the plugin! Join the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/m5Su7Af
----------, Apr 23, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 624
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Feb 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
50 ratings
Find more info at chatsentry.xyz...
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