:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨  [1.8-1.21] icon

:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨ [1.8-1.21] -----

The superior content filtration system for Minecraft servers. Trusted by over 650 servers.

4.0.0 // All around major improvements, fixes, and optimizations


Update 4.0.0

Changes & Improvements
  • Mass code restructuring, improvements, and optimizations

  • Added a new 'only-filter-top-level-domains' option to the Link & Ad Blocker module that when enabled (is by default), the plugin will only block roughly 1,500 of the most widely used (TLD) domains (like .com, .net, .org, etc). Keeping this on can substantially decrease false positive detections and will still effectively block advertising - however the downside is that uncommon, more suspicious links are unlikely to be detected. Only turn this off if you're worried about players writing more likely to be malicious links and are willing to sacrifice the decreased false positive rates for better coverage

  • Significant intelligence improvements to the Link & Ad Blocker module, large amounts of its code has been reworked and improved

  • The Link & Ad Blocker no longer detects invalid links such as "website.e" or "website./"

  • Adjustments to the Link & Ad Blocker's extra sensitivity mode

  • Improved the Link & Ad Blocker's extra sensitivity mode detection outputs in block messages. The plugin will now try to display the section of the message that was blocked instead of always showing the entire message as blocked

  • Other misc. improvements to the Link & Ad Blocker

  • Significant optimizations to the plugins permissions handler

  • Improved & optimized join related checks

  • The plugin now will force the server to register module bypass permissions as children of the bypass all permission instead of relying entirely on code to process inheritance

  • If one of the words under the "corrections" list in the Auto Grammar on the left side is typed in all caps by the player, the right side translation will be converted to uppercase as well

  • Default configuration improvements to almost all configs

  • Added a new /kcs environment command that reports important system information and whether it's compatible / meets the minimum requirements with your version of ChatSentry

  • Added missing command aliases in /kcs help output

  • Improved & modified various default lang.yml block messages

  • Major improvements and optimizations to the Anti Command Prefix module, only processes the base command prefix itself now instead of the entire command

  • Fixed module negated bypass permissions not being respected by the plugin when the player also had the bypass all permission

  • Fixed toggled chat not respecting negated exemption permission when the player also had the bypass all permission

  • Fixed cleared chat not respecting negated exemption permission when the player also had the bypass all permission

  • Fixed the Auto Punisher not respecting negated exemption permission when the player also had the bypass all permission

  • Fixed manual warnings not respecting negated exemption permission when the player also had the bypass all permission

  • Fixed potential NPE when various modules tried validate certain characters as a number

  • Fixed potential NPE related to the anvil processor

  • Fixed the Anti Command Prefix module having issues when there was additional :'s in commands

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker falsely detecting common faces such as "o.o"

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker falsely detecting common file name extensions such as "example.txt" or "example.exe"

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker under some circumstances displaying the wrong part of the message that was detected

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker failing to detect blocked links when an acronym was also present in the message

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker failing to detect blocked links when a number with decimals was also present in the message

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker logging the modified version of blocked messages and not the original

Updating Steps
  1. Delete ChatSentry-x.x.x.jar from your plugins folder.
  2. Place the new ChatSentry-4.0.0.jar in your plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server.

Get support
If you have any questions and/or are looking for support with any of my plugins, feel free to leave me a message on my support Discord. Alternatively you can contact me here on SpigotMC (Though, I most likely won't reply as fast)​
----------, Feb 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 624
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Feb 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
50 ratings
Find more info at chatsentry.xyz...
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