:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨  [1.8-1.21] icon

:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨ [1.8-1.21] -----

The superior content filtration system for Minecraft servers. Trusted by over 650 servers.

3.5.0 // Major new abilities for the Chat Executor


Update 3.5.0

Changes & Improvements
  • This update adds major improvements to the Chat Executor. It's highly recommended to regenerate your chat-executor config or take a look at https://wiki.chatsentry.xyz/in-depth-chat-executor-guide-and-entry-examples to see some of its new abilities!

  • In Chat Executor actions, you can now use parts of the players message with:
    • "{arg}" to get the word/argument of the players message (starting from 0): ex "{arg1}" in "FirstWord SecondWord ThirdWord" is "FirstWord", "{arg2}" is "SecondWord", etc.

    • "{multiargs}" to get all the arguments/words after a particular argument/word. Ex "{multiargs2}" of "FirstWord SecondWord ThirdWord FourthWord" is "ThirdWord FourthWord"
You can use multiple {arg} and {multiarg} placeholders in actions. If the requested argument/word is not present, it will simply be blank.​
  • Renamed the set-as nodes' "{BLOCK}" option to "{block}" in the Chat Executor

  • Renamed the set-as nodes' "{DONT_MODIFY}" option to "{dont-modify}" in the Chat Executor

  • You can now prefix Chat Executor match: nodes with "{regex}" to set the match type as regex

  • You can now prefix Chat Executor match: nodes with "{text}" to set the match type as plain text

  • Using none of the above prefixes means plain text will be defaulted to

  • You can additionally prefix Chat Executor match: nodes with "{only-chat}" to set the match to only apply to global chat and not commands

  • You can additionally prefix Chat Executor match: nodes with "{only-commands}" to set the match to only apply to commands and not chat

  • Using none of the above prefixes means both global chat and commands be defaulted to

Updating Steps
  1. Delete ChatSentry-x.x.x.jar from your plugins folder.
  2. Place the new ChatSentry-3.5.0.jar in your plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server.

Get support
If you have any questions and/or are looking for support with any of my plugins, feel free to leave me a message on my support Discord. Alternatively you can contact me here on SpigotMC (Though, I most likely won't reply as fast)​
----------, Feb 6, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 624
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Feb 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
50 ratings
Find more info at chatsentry.xyz...
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