:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨  [1.8-1.21] icon

:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨ [1.8-1.21] -----

The superior content filtration system for Minecraft servers. Trusted by over 650 servers.

1.0.8 // Command listener support on all modules, compatibility changes, bug fixes, & more


Update 1.0.8

Entries highlighted in bold may require your action after updating to this version.

  • The command listener now works with all ChatSentry's modules! This means all ChatSentry's filtering abilities can be used in commands as well. To enable the command listener, set 'enable-command-listener' to true at the top of the config.

  • Added configurable affected command lists under the Cap Limiter, Spam Blocker, and Chat Cooldown modules as conflictions may arise if all commands are filtered by them. (for example, the spam blocker blocking someone using a warp command twice) It's recommended you set these lists only to your servers private messaging commands. If you want to apply the module to all commands (highly not recommended), the lists can be to "[]".

  • Chat handling system reworked to add compatibility for chat modification plugins that intensely change how chat works such as chat channel plugins. Most plugins similar to the previously mentioned should no longer override ChatSentry's filters and checks.

  • Large portions of code have been optimized and tidied.

  • The 'enable-command-listener' setting in the config is now set to true by default.

  • The 'enable-violations-log' setting in the config is now set to true by default.

  • For consistency with the new command lists, the commandspy command whitelist and blacklist now requires commands to be properly formatted with a "/" at the start.

  • Modified and added some configuration comments for clarity.

Bug Fixes

  • FIXED: The admin notifier module fails to send notifications to the console (when send-to-console: true) if nobody with admin notifier recipient permissions is online.

Updating Steps
  1. Delete ChatSentry-x.x.x-PREMIUM.jar from your plugins folder.
  2. Place the new ChatSentry-1.0.8-PREMIUM.jar in your plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server.


If you have any questions and/or are looking for support with any of my plugins, feel free to leave me a message on my support Discord.​
----------, Jul 22, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 624
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Feb 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
50 ratings
Find more info at chatsentry.xyz...
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