AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself icon

AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself -----

First in the world, feature-rich, auto-updater, and server manager with web interface.


What is AutoPlug?

AutoPlug automates various things for players and server owners, or anyone really, since each feature can be enabled/disabled individually. It is able to auto-update your plugins, mods, server, Java installation, and even itself. It has a built-in server restart scheduler, backup creator, crash detector/auto-restart, directory/log cleaner, auto-EULA, and even allows the creation of synchronized folders ( and more). For a list of all features and further details visit

You can use it on various software, like Minecraft servers and clients, Steam game servers, or any other runnable file like scripts, jars, exes, proxies, web- or other game servers. Then, it can also be used in multiple ways, namely as a server wrapper, a command-line tool, or as a background service (+GUI that can be accessed from the system tray).

How do you install it?

it by placing the AutoPlug-Client jar in the same folder as your server jar/exe, or by placing it in an empty directory if you want to create a new server. Open a terminal and run java -jar AutoPlug-Client.jar to start it.

If you want to easily pre-configure your installation (like the server software to use, which features to enable, etc..) head over to

Having problems? Check out this installation video and the FAQ.

What about performance?

~ 0% CPU and ~ 0% RAM usage by AutoPlug! It does nothing after running its tasks, so there is no CPU usage. The used memory in RAM gets moved to swap (after some time) so that there is also no RAM usage. That's why you can run AutoPlug as a server wrapper and not fear performance loss.

What does it look like?

Note that the gif below is with live-tasks enabled, which only works on the default Windows/Linux/Mac terminals and not for web-based terminals, thus it's disabled by default. You can re-enable it in /autoplug/tasks.yml and benefit from a clean and minimal console output.​

I heard there is a web panel?

Yes, there is also the optional and free web panel at that can start/stop/restart your server and display summaries of recent update checks. With a premium account, you can access the file manager, server console, system console, and staff access. You can get a 2h premium trial for free by simply registering. Note that you can also buy a license to host the complete panel yourself.

I want to know more!

Check out the FAQ which goes more in-depth than this post. There is also top-notch support on Discord. The source code can be found on GitHub. You can fund this project via PayPal, Patreon or by buying something from the store.

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More details on my GitHub page.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,656
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
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