TNE Alpha 2.2 is mostly about stabilizing the core functionality before Alpha 3.0, which will include a vast number of feature additions, by eliminating bugs, and refactoring the code.
- Fixes for proper Vault Support
- Added update checker
- Message Translation
- Ability to set rewards for the new 1.8 mobs(Endermite, Guardian, Rabbit)
- Bug fixes
- Added /tne backup - Backs up your economy database file to a zip file.
- Added /tne balance < player > [world] - Check the specified player's balance for [world]
- Added /tne bank < player > [world] - View the specified player's bank for [world]
- Added /money take <player> <amount> - Take <amount> from <player>'s balance
- Allowed the use of /money give, /money take, /tne reload, /tne save via console.
- Fixed bug which allowed currency to go over the hundredths place
- Removed ability to give players negative values