- Currency Type API
- This will allow external plugins/modules to add new currency types to allow supporting things beyond item or virtual currencies
- Some configuration changes
- Added worlds configuration to the currency configurations in currency.yml. This will allow currencies in certain worlds while not having them in others easily.
General Changes:
- Baltop Exclusions configuration enhancements
- TNE Error Message Formatting to properly outline the full stacktrace
- Internal Modifications
- Listeners have been formatted for readability
- Removed unused events
Command Changes
- Redid command system.
- Added /tnem available - Checks a url, or defaults to tne's official, for available modules to download
- Redid /tnem download to utilize the new module online versioning system.
- Added /note experience to the signs module, which allows noting experience for use with item signs, or storage in chests.
- Removed ItemCurrency, ExperienceCurrency for the new CurrencyType configuration
Module System Changes
- Reformatted module class to be more aligned to a single naming convention
- Added the ability to add sub commands to existing TNE commands
- Switching modules over to the new auto-updating table system
- Added support for modules to add custom currency types
- Removed unused/irrelevant module methods
- Added updateURL to ModuleInfo annotation for module auto-updating
- Added the ability to auto update modules, this will check versions and auto download the latest module versions.
- The old version of the module with be renamed to old-module name
- Added dependency to ModuleInfo annotation for future dependency support
- Added the ability to hotswap modules without turning off the server. This allows for updating modules without stopping the server.
Bounty Module
- The bounty module is now ready for public testing.
- Set currency, or item bounties on players and gain hunter experience.
- [Easter Egg] Rumors have it that a demonic queen has been traveling to various servers in order to steal villagers and force them into hard labor. Don't worry, we'll notify you if she joins your server.
- Fixed experience-based currency
- Baltop fixes
- Fix for /bal provided by Siriuo
- Fixed update, dupers and blacklist URL reading.
- Removed various unused code
- Fixed incompatibility with a couple plugins
- Fixed startup issues
As the configuration files not auto updating issue persists please remember to either regen config files or add
#Valid Types: virtual, item, experience
Type: "virtual"```
After Symbol in config.yml and after Options.DecimalPlaces in currency.yml