TO SEE All news features in video join this discord channel: UPDATE
MINOR UPDATE (Exam period). Major update for may !
Now the activator INVENTORY_CLICK is triggered even if the event is previously cancelled by another plugin.
I don't know why, this morning I was motivated to improve EI in
1.12 while I hate this version.
It was asked by some 1.12 users:
- Improve the detection of an EI in 1.12. (EI can now be used on "big" server)
-> Now it doesnt use Name / Lore + material to check if its an EI.
-> So lore and name can be null
- Owner feature now supported
- /ei unowned and /ei set_owner work
- Hide usage feature now supported
- DisableStack feature now supported
- /ei inspect, works
- Variables are now supported in 1.12
BUT NOW 1.12 version require NBTAPI plugin to work.
Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !