Custom Items Plugin - Executable Items icon

Custom Items Plugin - Executable Items -----

Custom Items, custom triggers, reproduce your favorite items !

Custom Items with ExecutableItems [1.17] UPDATE
Added in the ingame editor:
- The item setting glowDrop
- The activator setting autoUpdateItem (to automatically update the item config, exampel you added a new attributes, it will be automatically added on the item when the activator will be activated)

New placeholders:
- %usage_limit%
- %entity_lower_case%
- %entity_name_lower_case%

New player condition:
- The condition ifPlayerHasExecutableitem now support the check of the usage.
Here is an example:
Code (YAML):
: epicpearl
: 0                       #<- if you want that this item must be in the held slot, put slot: -1
: ">3"             #<- It means: require usage>3 (you can also use >= <= == < >) But if you dont want to check usage, dont add this line
: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom message.
- The condition ifPlayerHasItem can now check if an item is in the held slot. with -1, check the wiki

Fix an issue that not increment correctly the usage when the item has usage: 0 and an activator with usageModification: 1

New custom player command LOCATED_LAUNCH, to launch the projectile from a custom location around the player.
Code (Text):
LOCATED_LAUNCH {projectileType} {frontValue positive=front , negative=back} {rightValue right=positive, negative=left} {yValue} {velocity}
Fix an issue when the plugin removes of the title.

Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !
----------, Nov 27, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 462,140
First Release: Apr 18, 2020
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:58 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
170 ratings
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