Custom Items Plugin - Executable Items icon

Custom Items Plugin - Executable Items -----

Custom Items, custom triggers, reproduce your favorite items !

BIG UPDATE ! New condtions, new activators, ...
NEW "CONDITIONS" player, world, custom, target, entity, item.... conditions to activ an activator.

NEW Edition of the conditions message per activator
to edit the message you need to edit the ID.yml of your item
and below your conditions exemple: ifSneaking: true
you need add ifSneakingMsg: "YOUR MESSAGE", if you set "" it send nothing to your players !

ADD option hide enchants, hide attributes in the GUI.

ADD the configuration of usage-limit in the GUI.


NEW PREMIUM activator EQUIP. when the player equip an item, you can starts to give some particles around the player / or run custom command every configurable delay.

Code (Text):

activator: EQUIP
displayName: '&ean activator'
usageRestore: 0
cooldown: 0
sneaking: false
needConfirmBeforeUse: false
delay: 30
- SENDMESSAGE §6✪ §eGood job §a%player% §e! You have earn 5 diamonds !
- give %player% diamond 5

NEW PREMIUM the "usage restore" -> "usage modification" , this option can increment/decrement the usage or just do nothing.

ADD some part of the required message in locale.

> Changement about random run: exemple:
- RANDOM RUN: {amount}
- NOTHING*20 //&cNothing :( #void command with message
- NOTHING*20 #void command without message

NEW One file per item, the name of the file is ID.yml

FIX issue when combine worldedit command with SUDOOP.

FIX Now the option Required Items take care if the item is an ei , it is not count !

FIX improve security op.

FIX bug attributes generic attack knockback in the GUI.

FIX the command MINEINCUBE support the enchantement.


Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !
----------, Nov 1, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 462,140
First Release: Apr 18, 2020
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:58 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
170 ratings
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