Code (Text):
Incorrect Command Syntax: Incorrect command syntax. Use [command]
No Permission: You do not have permission to run this command!
Storage Warning: Couldn't save Storage.yml. This could cause problems when the server restarts. If this error continues, report it to the developer.
Config Issue: "There was an issue in the config with:
Config Explanation: Explanation for the config can be found at
Start clear/generate: Starting to [clear/generate]
Update: Applying More Ores Update...
Finish: Finished!
No World: This world does not exist on this server!
clear/generate Confirm 1: Are you sure you want to [clear/generate] ores for [world]?
clear/generate Confirm 2: This is reversable, but it may cause some lag
clear/generate/remove Confirm: If you are sure, use [command]
clear Confirm: Ores will still generate in [world] if it isn't disabled in the config.
generate Confirm 1: If you do this, /moreores clear [world] will not clear any ores that were generated before you ran this command.
generate Confirm 2: Ores may not generate in [world] if it isn't enabled in the config.
Remove Confirm 1: Are you sure you want ores to be removed from [world]?
Remove Confirm 2: /moreores clear <world> usually works better
Remove Start 1: Ores will now be removed from [world]
Remove Start 2: Set [world] to no longer spawn ores in the config
Remove End: Ores will no longer be removed from [world]
Change in Config: You can change this in the config
Reload Config: Reloaded Config
Players Only: Only players can run this command.
Not Item: That isn't an item
Help Title: More Ores Help
/moreores: Displays this help menu
/moreores menu: Opens an inventory with all of the More Ores items
/moreores <ore> [amount]: Gives you the specified ore
/moreores reload: Reloads the config
/moreores clear <world>: Clears all ores from a world
/moreores generate <world>: Forces ores to generate in a world
/moreores remove <world>: Adds the world to the Remove Ores list in the config and the blacklist/removes it from the whitelist depending on what is enabled
Help Wiki: §lClick §a§ohere §2§lto open the More Ores Wiki
Recieved Item: You recieved [amount] [item]
Dolphin Pants Lore 1: Provides dolphin's grace in water
Drowned Chestplate Lore 1: Provides haste in water
Dolphin Pants/Drowned Chestplate Lore 2: for a limited amount of time
Noncombustible Boots Lore 1: Provides fire resistance for a
Noncombustible Boots Lore 2: limited amount of time in lava
Unstable TNT Lore: Explodes when broken
Corrupted Armor Lore 1: Provides speed every 10 seconds
Corrupted Armor Lore 2: with a slight chance of slowness
Corrupted Armor Lore 3: Full set always gives speed
Ice Boots Lore: Walk on water
Ice Helmet Lore: Has a chance to freeze attackers while on head
Scuba Lore: An upgraded turtle shell
Kelp Ore Lore: This ore smelts into kelp
Petrified Wood Lore: Smelt this to get wood
Health Ore Lore: Craft 4 of these together to get a medkit
Medkit Lore 1: Use on a mob or another player to heal them
Medkit Lore 2: Craft 4 of these together to make a Golden Medkit
Liquid Ore Lore: This ore smelts into liquid ingots
Liquid Ingot Lore 1: Surround a turtle shell with these
Liquid Ingot Lore 2: to craft a scuba helmet
Liquid Ingot Lore 3: Used to craft pants, boots, and chestplates
Golden Medkit Lore 1: Use on a mob or another player
Golden Medkit Lore 2: to give them absorption
Fire Ore Lore: Combine 9 of these to make a fire crystal
Fire Crystal Lore 1: Right click to throw!
Fire Crystal Lore 2: Solidifies liquids
Fire Crystal Lore 3: Highly explosive
Explosive Ore Lore 1: Explodes unless mined with a [item]
Explosive Ore Lore 2: Smelts into gunpowder
Explosive Ore Lore 3: Craft with TNT to get Unstable TNT
Pearl Fragment Lore 1: Combine 4 of these to make an upgraded pearl
Pearl Fragment Lore 2: Combine 9 of these to make a rush pearl
Upgraded Pearl Lore: An ender pearl that can be controlled
Rush Pearl Lore: A rideable ender pearl
Corrupted Ore Lore 1: Combine 9 of these to get Pure Corruption
Corrupted Ore Lore 2: Used to make armor
Pure Corruption Lore 1: Use on a sword to corrupt it
Pure Corruption Lore 2: Corrupted swords will have a withering effect
Pure Corruption Lore 3: but they will lose durability faster
Hardened End Stone Lore 1: Break with a diamond pickaxe
Hardened End Stone Lore 2: for a random valuable item
Ice Ore Lore: Used to make an ice helmet and boots
Rush Pearl Warning: Rush Pearl has [time] seconds left!
Corrupted: Corrupted
Kelp Ore: Kelp Ore
Petrified Wood: Petrified Wood
Experience Ore: Experience Ore
Random Ore: Random Ore
Potion Ore: Potion Ore
Medkit: Medkit
Health Ore: Health Ore
Liquid Ore: Liquid Ore
Liquid Ingot: Liquid Ingot
Scuba Helmet: Scuba Helmet
Golden Medkit: Golden Medkit
Fire Ore: Fire Ore
Fire Crystal: Fire Crystal
Bone Ore: Bone Ore
Explosive Ore: Explosive Ore
Pearl Fragment: Pearl Fragment
Upgraded Pearl: Upgraded Pearl
Rush Pearl: Rush Pearl
Corrupted Ore: Corrupted Ore
Pure Corruption: Pure Corruption
Hardened End Stone: Hardened End Stone
Ice Ore: Ice Ore
Dolphin Pants: Dolphin Pants
Chestplate of the Drowned: Chestplate of the Drowned
Noncombustible Boots: Noncombustible Boots
Unstable TNT: Unstable TNT
Corrupted Helmet: Corrupted Helmet
Corrupted Chestplate: Corrupted Chestplate
Corrupted Leggings: Corrupted Leggings
Corrupted Boots: Corrupted Boots
Ice Boots: Ice Boots
Ice Helmet: Ice Helmet