The 1.16 update to support hex colors!
The current supported format is the Spigot hex format:
Code (Text):
&x &[0-9a-f]{6}
Example: &x&f&f&0&0&0&0 is equal to #ff0000 (which is red)
This format will be supported in game chat, private messages, and the config (channel formats, message formats, etc)
If cleaner easier formats take hold in the community, I will look into supporting the most popular one.
Code (Text):
These two config options do NOT support hex colors currently. It's a known issue.
Your defaultconfig.yml has been updated to showcase an example chat channel with hex colors. (HexExample)
Hex colors only work in 1.16 and higher! If you attempt to use them in earlier versions, there will be no errors, but don't expect proper color formats!