VentureChat 2.18.0 !!!Includes Important Security Fix!!!
Fixed SQL injection vulnerability when using the MySQL chat logging feature
Added auto reconnect library for MySQL database to keep the connection alive
Removed outdated commands such as /mail and /afk because other plugins, such as Essentials do those better
Removed IRC functionality in favor of only supporting DiscordSRV. PurpleIRC should still support VentureChat if you wish to continue using IRC.
Refactored chat event and entire JSON packet system to remove any chance of concurrency issues when injecting JSON into outgoing chat packets
Created new VentureChatEvent API for other plugins to hook into
Created new localization system for customizing messages in the plugin. A new Messages.yml file contains every message in the plugin for you to edit!
Created framework for supporting BungeeCord messaging fully with DiscordSRV. Be on the look out for a new DiscordSRV update with this functionality enabled!
Fixed issue where pipe characters | would cause errors when used in prefixes, suffixes, and nicknames.