By specifying the name
zkoth_enable_<koth name> - Returns true if the koth is active and false if it is not active.
zkoth_cooldown_<koth name> - Returns the time before the appearance of the koth
zkoth_caps_<koth name> - Returns the time it takes to capture the koth
zkoth_timer_<koth name> - Returns the time in seconds of capture
zkoth_timer_format_<koth name> - Returns well-formatted capture time (depending on plugin configuration)
zkoth_current_player_<koth name> - Returns the player who captures the koth
zkoth_current_faction_<koth name> - Returns the name of the faction capturing the koth
zkoth_location_<koth name> - Return the koth location
By recovering the active koth
zkoth_name - Return the name of the koth
zkoth_x - Returns the location in x
zkoth_y - Returns the location in y
zkoth_z - Returns the location in z
zkoth_world - Returns the name of the world
zkoth_player - Returns the player who captures the koth
zkoth_faction - Returns the name of the faction capturing the koth
zkoth_timer - Returns the time in seconds of capture
zkoth_timer_format - Returns well-formatted capture time (depending on plugin configuration)