- Replaced message 3 with "There is a new voting for &b[WEATHER]&9 weather, vote with &b/wv yes&9 or &b/wv no&9.".
- Replaced message 8 with "You have voted for &eYES&6.".
- Replaced message 9 with "You have voted for &eNO&6.".
- Replaced message 14 with "The voting for &b[WEATHER]&9 weather is over in &b[SECONDS]&9 seconds.".
- Replaced message 16 with "There is a new update available for this plugin. &e( )&6".
+ Added [WeatherVote] message to edit the plugin tag.
+ Added Color messages, to edit the plugin text color.
+ Added a Scoreboard to show the votes.
+ Added an UseScoreboard option to config, to disable the Scoreboard.