BetterJails icon

BetterJails -----

A simple, yet effective jails management system.

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Cool plugin, but unfortunately there is not enough additional protection when the player is in prison. For example, a player can use /spawn, or another player can /tp out by teleportation or any other command. It would be nice if it was possible to set the boundaries of the prison so that the player would be teleported back if he got out, or any other protection. Then the plugin will be the best and only one

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Those who have the problem that users execute commands create a zone with worldguard and execute /rg flag (region) allowed-cmds /xd

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Hey, this jail plugin is so cool! It stops players from breaking stuff when jailed so i no bedrock blocks needed, which is awesome. Can we get an update to 1.20.4? That would be epic!

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Плагин реально крутой на все 5 звезд! только вот я тупенький и не могу понять как прописать команду правильно на запрет когда игрок садиться в тюрьму мне бы пример ! Допустим как должно выглядеть чтобы у заключенного зразу очищался инвентарь .... помогите тупенькому

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Thanks for the update ! it's great plugin :D

"Constraining what a prisoner can or cannot do while jailed (such as altering the environment) is better fit for another plugin"

yes but please don't remove the feature that make jailed players not able to break blocks ! it's so good, and better than making region using world guard around every new jail i make xD

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Using this plugin on 1.19.3 and it work fine
This plugin is really cool. And has a feature that very lacking on almost every other jail plugin.

The feature is disabling players from placing blocks / breaking blocks, while in jail ! Thank you very much for this feature.

Commands are simple to use, just create a jail then, /jail name jailname time
You can make the player issue commands like /rules when they get jailed

If you have active community, and you want to assign players as police to jail others while you're inactive, you can use this plugin.

You can jail offline members too, and they can't escape jail if inventory wiped out, and even if they escaped, they can't place/break blocks so it's not a big of a deal.
Author's response

Constraining what a prisoner can or cannot do while jailed (such as altering the environment) is better fit for another plugin, my personal suggestion is to use WorldGuard for that, by creating a protected region around the jail area.

Thanks for the review :)

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
This is what I was looking for, after switching to 1.18.1 I could not find this plugin Thanks for the addition, I just don’t understand why it’s free.
I'm surprised by this. when you make it paid, I will definitely buy it)

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
Perfectly working on a 1.18.1 server!!!!!! You´re a f#cking god bro!
Thanks for your work!!!

Version: 1.5-SNAPSHOT
great plugin worked for me in 1.17.1, can you make them not be able to use commands while jailed (i made them not using commands using world guard), but still it would be good if it's feature comes with betterjails

Version: v1.4.1
Simple plugin yet effective. Thanks for developing this Overall sick plugin broski

Version: v1.4.1
Players used to treat jailing as a form of a joke punishment. Not anymore! With this plugin, they will change their views about it, and start to view it as more of a deterrence as well, instead of simply laughing it off!

Version: v1.4
Great plugin, this is what I needed for my server. To get players punished for being locked up, their money is taken away and they are muted. Continue your work man ;)
Author's response
I'm glad it serves your needs! Thanks for the review! Really appreciate it!

Version: v1.2.2
Hello, your plugin is very practical. Can I move the plugin to

There are many fans of China and minecraft. I believe your plugin will be popular.

Version: v1.0
NICE PLUGIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,779
First Release: Mar 12, 2020
Last Update: Jan 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
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