SpeedLimit | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | icon

SpeedLimit | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | -----

Slow down them players! | Now with Folia Support! |

Version: 5.4.7
A simple, straightforward and lightweight plugin that works great on my server!

With dozens of other plugins on my server allowing players to buff their movement speeds, I expected to have trouble implementing a plugin that allowed me to put a cap on movement speed. This plugin proved me wrong!

I initially wanted to implement a Speed limiter because players on my server are able to access the /pweather command. This allowed them to set the weather to rain, and use Riptide to travel around at breakneck speeds, giving these players an extreme movement advantage, and also the power to severely lag the server!

Enter SpeedLimit, which allowed me to quickly and easily implement a speed limit that affected ONLY the top-end speeds produced by Riptiding and super fast Elytra gliding. Perfect!

If you're like me and trying to shave a little bit of top-end speed from player movement, SpeedLimit is a great option!
Author's response
Thank you very much for the glowing review!

Version: 5.4.3
good plugin but why i get error?
[16:54:12] [Server thread/WARN]: [SpeedLimit] Task #35 for SpeedLimit v5.4.3 generated an exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.reflect.Field.get(Object)" because "this.tpsField" is null
at me.loving11ish.speedlimit.utils.ServerTPSUtils.getTPS(ServerTPSUtils.java:30) ~[?:?]
at me.loving11ish.speedlimit.tasks.TPSCheckTasks$1.run(TPSCheckTasks.java:31) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:81) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:400) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:1179) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.b(DedicatedServer.java:394) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:1127) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:966) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$0(MinecraftServer.java:273) ~[spigot-1.16.5.jar:3096a-Spigot-9fb885e-af1a232]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831) [?:?]
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.loadClass0(PluginClassLoader.java:140)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.loadClass(PluginClassLoader.java:99)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:519)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:375)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.loving11ish.speedlimit.utils.ServerTPSUtils.<init>(ServerTPSUtils.java:18)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.loving11ish.speedlimit.tasks.TPSCheckTasks$1.run(TPSCheckTasks.java:30)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:81)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:400)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:1179)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.b(DedicatedServer.java:394)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:1127)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:966)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$0(MinecraftServer.java:273)
[16:54:13] [Server thread/WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831)
Author's response
Hello, the review section is not the place to report errors. Please open a support ticket in our Discord: https://discord.gg/crapticraft

Version: 5.4.3
Paper 1.19.2

i have a small anarchy server and have to plugin for limitting horizontal flying\run speed.
Thanks a god i've setting up your plugin at late night when nobody playing.

Your plugin is working ABSOLUTELY different than you write in plugin description!

#This enables the SpeedLimit for the player's walking speed.
enabled: true #[Default: false]
#This sets the maximum speed that the player can walk at. (0.00 to 1.00)
speed: 0.10 #[Default: 0.10]

This sets not the maximum but THE SPEED of EVERY players entity who currently playing on server!
When player logging his entity properties just changes!
If you disable this plugin or make flag "enable" false it won't have any effect for users who was affected! You need to change "speed" when plugin is active and flag "walking-event.enabled" is true.
The worst thing is that sprint speed and walking speed are set from "speed" and now they are the same.

It all looks like I have to change the properties of my entity manually in order to roll back the result of the plugin.
I don't want to think what would happen if there were players on the server.
This plugin behavior is destructive.

ah , about speed limit. As you might guess, speed module in my cheat client was still operational because the actual implementation of the plugin is not a speed limiter.

Now , flight. Same implementation.
#This enables the SpeedLimit for the player's flying speed.
enabled: false #[Default: true]
#This sets the maximum speed that the player can fly at. (0.00 to 1.00)
speed: 0.01 #[Default: 0.02]

This set speed of flying in creative mode. Thats all.
And sure, flight in cheat works fine despite the settings above.

By the way, speed limit for elytras working good, thank you! But in this conditions it's pointless.

P.S. From June 26 the reload command in console says it reloads the configs, but it actually does not. Must restart the server for any config changes to take effect. Two mounts of one bug!
Author's response
Hello, I saw your discord message! SPEEDLIMIT IS NOT AN ANTICHEAT!!!

You are wanting features only an anticheat can provide, I have tested the plugin extensively on multiple server version and I cannot reproduce the issues that you are describing!

The flying speed and walking speed use 2 separate events to trigger, and there is no difference in API events when using sprint or walking! SpeedLimit DOES NOT USE PACKETS! This is why it is a LIGHTWEIGHT plugin!!

Currently the only way to differentiate between walking and sprinting is to use packet interception!

I am aware of the config reload issues and I am currently still working on a fix for it.

When you disable the limits or the plugin is removed, the players movement speeds are reset to the default values as set by either Mojang or EssentialsX(If you use it).

I am saddened that you feel bad about my plugin, coding is only a hobby for me and I have IRL work to pay my bills. I try to update and bug fix whenever I can but there are still only 24 hours in a day.

I am going to try and continue to fix bugs and implement new features.

Version: 5.4.3
Nice plugin! 5 stars if you can enable different speeds per world, not just enable the same speeds per world. Example -- On my moon world, I want elytra to go really slow, no atmosphere. On my sky island world, I want people to zoom about at higher speeds due to the updrafts and wind there...
Author's response
Thanks for the review! That is a good suggestion, I'll look into that possibility!

Version: 5.4.1
Does absolutely nothing in 1.18.2 with elytras.

No errors, plugin should work, but it just simply does nothing.

Enabled Elytra, tried every option possible, even set trigger-speed: 1.0 and restarted the server multiple times.

Purpur 1.18.2 purpur

Version: 5.3
Nice plugin, this plugin saved my survival server, keep updating please
Thanksss men
Author's response
Thanks for the glowing review! I do have some further big updates planned so don't worry, I'm not going anywhere!

Version: 4.0
Oh,this plugin is very good.It helped me a lot.
But I think not so many people know this plugin.Especially Chinese players.
I am a player of www.mcbbs.net.
mcbbs is the China's largest Minecraft Forum.
I want to repost this plugin.Let more people know it.
And I will mark you as the original author.And I will call others download it here.
Can I do that? Look forward to your reply.
Author's response
Hello ling_x, Thank you for the glowing review. I would be happy with you sharing my plugin download link on your forum, however, please be aware that the plugin only supports the English language.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,400
First Release: Feb 17, 2020
Last Update: Aug 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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