For those who generate live (no pregen), do not update. New chunks generated will not be compatible with old chunks, and there will be some weird cliffs and things.
Ocean spawning changed. Now oceans don't disrupt land as much, though they may be large.
Memory usage optimisations
Dark Oak trees optimised a bit
Java 14 warning is a little bit smaller (there will still be a warning on startup.)
Revamped Mineshaft spawning mechanics - Single level mineshafts are now spawnable.
Added some config options
Ocean frequency (Lower means less frequent and wider)
Biome Dither (Degree of meshing between biomes)
Saplings can now grow into custom small trees
Additional option to allow jungle saplings to spawn large TerraformGenerator jungle trees
Added option to disable large caves
Added options to modify the chance for mineshafts and large caves to spawn (instead of just spawning every mega chunk)