BetterDrops icon

BetterDrops -----

3D drops with customizable nametags and positions.

BetterDrops 2.1
Added "item-name-format" which will allow you to customize prefixes and suffixes (including colors) for all items.

Added option "force-click-pickup" to the configuration. This allows you to force players to pick up items by clicking on them.

New options:
Code (Text):
# Force players to click on items to pick them up?
# This will prevent players from picking up items normally.
force-click-pickup: false

# Play item pickup sound when item is picked up?
# Only works with force-click-pickup set to true.
pickup-sound: true
# The item name format can be changed here. This can be used to add prefixes, suffixes, and colors to all item names.
item-name-format: '%s'
----------, Jul 20, 2015
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 615
First Release: May 28, 2015
Last Update: Jan 11, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
44 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings