This update is just a major internal recode with more efficient and cleaner systems,
upgrading from v2.x.x is not a problem. There are more changes than listed but this is mostly what is changed.
- Updated metrics/bStats.
- Recoded a decent chunk of the plugin using new internals and packages.
- Improved the VersionHelper, RegistrationHelper, HeadHelper and Common utils by them being static among other things.
- Added an InventoryManager which contains open inventories and other things used for the Hive GUI.
- Improved the instance creation of the plugin.
- Added missing website and description in the plugin yml.
- Added a new ConfigManager which is used for all config calls and caches the result until a reload or server restart, benchmarking has proven to be around 25x faster than using normal Spigot config calls.
No config changes.