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LevelledMobs -----

[1.16-1.20] Level-up mobs on your server, RPG-style! Perfect for Survival, Skyblock, and more.

v3.1.2 b490
LevelledMobs v3.1.2 b490
Hey there,
Here's a volley of fixes and improvements to upgrade your LevelledMobs experience!
(Psst: click 'Read More' for more information.)

Thanks to everyone who has posted a review so far!
If you're interested in leaving a short (or longer!) review in our reviews section to showcase your LevelledMobs experience, not only do we listen, but we greatly appreciate your reviews. We're always looking for ways to improve the plugin.

Enjoying LevelledMobs?
As we work on this project voluntarily (without pay), donations and other forms of support towards us are what keeps the motivation flowing to continue developing the plugin.
Currently, @stumper66 (aka PenalBuffalo) is the primary developer of LevelledMobs - click here if you wish to donate to him.
In addition, you may opt-in to receive an announcement for donating and/or role(s) for your donation on our Discord server. Simply create a ticket and let us know if you have donated if you are interested.
I have significant gratitude towards all who donate to any LM developer. :)


Need help with LM or need to contact a developer? Please join our Discord server - alternatively, you can PM me.

Without further ado, here's a list of all the changes this update:
  • @stumper66 fixed potential exception when a level 1 mob dies
  • @stumper66 added check to prevent possible reanimation of a dead mob if it dies as the exact moment it gets relevels when using player levelling strategy.
  • @stumper66 tweaked entity debug listener to show fewer fields if unused
  • @stumper66 added Since attributes for java docs to all java classes
  • @lokka30 added Cooldown and Point classes, useful objects for making cooldowns as of current. A Point is a very basic version of a Location, useful for when the plethora of information in a Location is unnecessary - i.e., in cooldowns.
  • @lokka30 replaced cooldown system in DebugEntityDamage with a new system that is now also per-entity and does not use any Bukkit tasks. A 2 second cooldown is used.
  • @lokka30 spawner copy and Spawner info now have a cooldown system that prevents spamming the same spawner block over and over again. (coordinate-dependent). A 2 second cooldown is used.
  • @lokka30 made the 'Unique values' header always show in the Debug Entity Damage messages. This is because more unique values may be added in the future.
  • @lokka30 added a 'End of information' message to the Debug Entity Damage messages.
  • @lokka30 added a few javadoc annotations around the place.
  • @lokka30 fixed incorrect permission for /lm spawner being used in tab completion.
  • @lokka30 cleaned up the way permissions and commands were checked in tab completion.
  • @lokka30 fixed inbuilt plugin.yml file not including LM3's permissions.
  • @lokka30 updated the Permissions wiki page, for the first time since LevelledMobs 2.0.0 was released.
  • @lokka30 fixed typo in plugin.yml for a boolean
  • @lokka30 did a bit of code cleanup
  • @stumper66 overhauled /lm spawner command. Includes 3 sub commands: copy, create, info
  • @stumper66 /lm spawner info shows you info on any placed LM spawners
  • @stumper66 /lm spawner copy will copy an existing LM spawner into the user's inventory
  • @stumper66 fixed player levelling where a mob gets relevelled to level 1 but retains it's previous multipliers
  • @stumper66 added the following options to the /lm spawner command: /spawntype, /delay, /maxnearbyentities, /minspawndelay, /maxspawndelay, /requiredplayerrange, /spawncount, /spawnrange
  • @stumper66 fixed exception when running /lm spawner command from console
  • @stumper66 rules utilizing chance will not change when an entity takes damage or other situations

Have a great day, and all the best with your server(s)!
----------, Aug 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 208,609
First Release: Jan 14, 2020
Last Update: Jan 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
497 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
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