LevelledMobs 2 is not possible without the contributions from many people, who generously part their free time to make LevelledMobs what it is, for all server owners to enjoy.
@stumper66 aka PenalBuffalo has worked many hours on LevelledMobs since the first production of LevelledMobs 2. A big portion of the updates are created with the combination of Stumper's outstanding and generous efforts. This update is no exception, as his Custom Drops system has received even more love. Cheers Penal!
@Oathkeeper aka UltimaOath has yet again performed a plethora of testing for this update, so you guys were able to get a polished and (hopefully) minimal-bug update. Testing is a crucial part of rolling the updates out, and when testers such as Oath step in to help us developers out, it speeds up the release time significantly.
Another thank-you to the very generous 5 donators who have donated to benefit all server owners that love LevelledMobs. In no order, here they are: UltimaOath, Aiba, Arkaeis, Squeebis and Merrickle!
Thank you to the past code contributors and another (this is the last one, don't worry) thank-you to the staff team on the ArcanePlugins Discord server!
Having issues with LM or got questions about it? Join our Discord server and let us know - we have multiple staff which will be glad to assist you. And a reminder, do not use the reviews section to ask for support, questions, suggestions and bug reports.)
And that's all I have to say for this update. Onto the changelog!
Huge amount of code improvements. Significant things to note is the package has changed from ' io.github.lokka30.levelledmobs' to 'me.lokka30.levelledmobs' to suit my other new plugins. (lokka30)
Renamed default inbuilt data files (lokka30)
Removed isLevelledKey, instead use LevelInterface#isLevelled(LivingEntity) (lokka30)
Improved Utils#isBabyMob and the methods which use it. Should allow for more 'BABY' variants of entities to be configured. (lokka30)
if raw meat has been specified in customdrops and the mob is killed by fire, the drop becomes cooked meat (stumper66)
groupIds in customdrops.yml are completely strings now (was internally an int in one place) (stumper66)
older versions of customdrops.yml will now be migrated. No more resets (stumper66)
fixed customdrops issues, settings migration issues from old versions (stumper66)
moved chunkload listener to it's own class and will unload itself if disabled (stumper66)
customdrops.yml: when utilizing a drop-table and individual entities, the drop-table would get used but the individual entity would be ignored (stumper66)
custom drops improvements. When override is used on an entity in customdrops, it will no longer remove saddles and any chest contents from a chested animal. Also fixed a bug where override was not applying to mobs that were levelled ( stumper66)
when a levelled animal mob is killed, any chested items, armor, etc will not be multiplied anymore, only vanilla drops (stumper66)