[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated icon

[PowerBoard] Scoreboard + Tablist + Prefix + Chat | Animated -----

This Plugin has an animated Scoreboard + Tablist included a Prefix + Chat -System

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Animated Scoreboards
Multiple Scoreboards based on conditions
Animated Tablist
Prefix/Suffix System with placeholders
Chat System

PowerBoard is an Open Source project for your Minecraft Server. Normally you would need for everything like ranks, tablist and scoreboard an extra plugin. And these plugins aren't always so good and are missing some features like animations and are lacking of performance. PowerBoard tries to put all these things into one plugin and to make these perfect.

Installation Guide & Wiki: Click here


This plugin is fully customizable.

If you for example don't want the tablist, just go into the config and disable it. This works with all modules of this plugin!
You can disable as much as you want when you don't need it or have another plugin for it. If you disable everything, it is almost like the plugin is not even installed!

- Animated Scoreboard
- Animated Tablist text
- HEX color player names in Tab

- Up to 128 Chars in the Scoreboard (1.12 and below only 32)
- Plugin runs mostly ASync: No laggs
- HEX color support
- Colored chat messages
- No scoreboard flickering
- Extensive config
- Free and Open Source
- Developer API

- Up to 9999 ranks
- Ranks in Tab and Chat with HEX colors and Placeholders (+PAPI)
- You can use already configured ranks from LuckPerms

You don't want animations? Just do not use them :)
To disable them, just remove all animation lines, except for one - no more animations!

Additional supported Plugins

- LuckPerms
- Vault
- PlaceholderAPI


%server_tps% | Shows the TPS
%server_online_players% | Shows the online player count
%server_max_players% | Shows the max. player count
%mem_total%; %mem_free%; %mem_used%; %mem_max% - Shows the Server RAM
%player_name% | Shows the player's name
%player_displayname% | Shows the player's displayname
%player_world% | Shows the player's current world
%player_loc_x%, %player_loc_x%, %player_loc_z% | The player's location
%player_food% | Shows the player's food level
%player_saturaion% | Shows the player's saturation
%player_health% | Shows the player's health
%time%, %date% | Shows the current time and date
%player_rank% | Shows the player's rank
%player_money% | Shows the Money from the player (Vault is required)
%player_ping% | Shows the player's ping

+ All placeholders from PlaceholderAPI!

PowerBoard also provides some placeholders to PAPI, so you can use them with other plugins:
- %powerboard_prefix%
- %powerboard_suffix%
- %powerboard_chat_prefix%
- %powerboard_display_name%
- %powerboard_tps%

Commands and Permissions
You can use /powerboard or /pb

- /pb info | Shows all infos about the plugin.
/pb toggle scoreboard | Toggle the scoreboard for me. (powerboard.toggle.scoreboard/)
- /pb reload or /pb rl | Reload all configs. (powerboard.reload)
- /pb update | Download the newest version. (powerboard.update)
- /pb debug | Toggle the debug. (powerboard.debug)

Developer API
This plugin also has an API!
Click here to see how it works.

This plugin has lots of configuration options.
It's pretty advanced, but it's also well explained into detail.

You want to see the config before installing the plugin? No problem, just click here. (Ignore the plugin.yml file)

I hope you enjoy this Plugin!

If you encounter bugs or have feature requests, please report / post them on GitHub.

If you like this completely free and open source plugin, please consider giving me a small donation :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34,014
First Release: Dec 28, 2019
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
66 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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